Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Sharon Cuneta's magical voice is worth the price of admission, but this movie is much more than a musical. Lupe (Sharon Cuneta) is born into poverty but her dreams are for a better life. She cares for her crippled mother who is also her harshest critic. Poor, crippled persons normally engender feelings of pity, but Lupe's mother adds to the burden and is the metaphor that represents the title of the movie -- Lupe carries her mother on her back as she begs for alms ["Pasan ko and Diagdig" means I carry the weight of the world]. You feel like cheering for Lupe as she faces obstacles in life and you hope that you would have half the energy and courage that she does as she tries to overcome her fate. Is she destined for life to find treasures in the garbage piles in Payatas? You have to watch the movie to find out.