Excellent but underrated film
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kirandeep Yoder
The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Yes. He is bug-eyed, quirky-ugly and self-conscious. But I was entertained. The film had fun retro animated gimmicks like little snapshot photos of him with his wife or a girlfriend floating over animated maps of America and Europe with that Vespa-green color, Pee Wee Herman stuff. After a relationship of his ends, he shows a few seconds of home movie footage of the real woman who an actress just portrayed. That gave it some humanity and depth and credibility.OK. Here is my beef. Spoiler-warning-The extra footage on the DVD of the making of the film contains two sex scenes showing him nude, the actresses nude, and in one case, his current real-life wife watching. He is tying one girl's wrists to the bed frame. I know. I know. That's showbiz. But consider that the entire point of the film is that he cured himself of his sex addiction, and that he no longer needs to stray outside his marriage for titillation. He claims in the film's conclusion that he is totally turned on by his wife, and is disinterested in other women's bodies. And that this is how one should conduct oneself in a marriage. So then when you see the extra footage, all these boundaries that took him years to establish in Sex-Addicts-Anonymous are out the window. It seems he has used this film of retelling his past as simply another devise for sexual pleasure. This I find disturbing and dishonest. I guess I will be the one to say it as I am not sure anyone else has yet, but he has a way about him that suggests he could have very well ended up with another man in his bed by the end of the film, not that there is anything wrong with it...Let's just say he ain't John Goodman!
Obviously not a Hollywood, high-budget film, but if you can get past that it is really interesting. Yes, the Producer/Director/Writer/Star is being very self indulgent. Of course you learn from the film that he has always been that way. But this film is an outstanding a study of a male viewpoint of relationships and sex.He repeatedly says that all he wants is someone he can be totally honest with, and he hears several women tell him they want that honesty. Of course the truth is that we only want our partners to be honest when it matches our own view of reality. When their truth conflicts with our view of reality we either try to argue them out of their truth or force them to deny it. In fact, as much as Caveh wants the freedom of being honest with his partners he never gives them that same freedom.Don't rent this for the sex scenes and don't rent this for a great plot. But if you like psychological studies of relationships, this film is well worth the time and money.
Very very interesting movie about self story struggling being a sex addict. Even if its a low budget film project, this could be a great enjoyable movie with a much better casts. These days everything is about how you present the 'whole package'. Acting by Caveh himself is truly brave, but sometimes expression and fire is more convincing,the constant eye starring and mimic could be a bit annoying to watch, same goes to the female casts, it needs to gets the audience to feel the story, the only female cast that I feel did a good job was the alcoholic girlfriend, she did a great job, very convincing. But the fact that it won for an award surely must be a great joy and pride for Caveh, I hope to see great future films from him.
I am a sex addict follows the life of our director/ star as he tries to overcome his sex addiction. It is at times funny, creepy, and even disgusting.The film is very ambitious but it starts to fail pretty rapidly. One problem is the confusing narration of Caveh himself. In the beginning of the movie he begins to go off track explaining problems with locations, bitchy actresses, porn stars, etc. Things that really should not be explained are, its like being at a party with someone trying to tell you a 5 minute story that winds up being 20 minutes of a confusing tangent.Another thing is Caveh's own ego, instead of using a actor to play his younger self, Caveh insists on being the own star of his film. Something that he himself cant even pull off, there are times where it clearly reminds us of armature hour, with him not being able to keep a clear face in certain scenes.The point winds up getting lost in the shuffle as his recovery is never clearly explained. We are told he went to a sex addicts meeting but we never go deeper than a 4 minute scene most of which is with Caveh's narration. We are just told he "got better". HOW?! After 2 hours of this story you end it with "I just got better"? This made me want to slam my head against the wall.I Am A Sex Addict is entertaining at times (like watching a car wreck) but it tends to clearly get lost and we as an audience are the ones who suffer for it.