I'll tell you why so serious
A different way of telling a story
Bluebell Alcock
Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Hi. I just purchased the "Hobbs End" DVD this morning and I love it! The movie is some what a normal who done it with a little twist. You have to watch the movie to fine out what I mean. But what I love about the movie is color scheme for the inside of the house. This is my forth viewing of the movie just to see how the shades of greens, browns, and earth tones colors are coordinate throughout the house.There's more to learn from a movie than just the plot. There is the sitting and visual art just to name a few. Watch the movie to fine out what happens to the two main charters in this isolated cabin located in a forest of snow.
A woman in an isolated farm house takes in a man under the assumption he's her new handyman.Before I say anything else, I should say that "Hobb's End" feels like it could have originated as a stage-play (it could have been successful on the stage)... or '70s movie-of-the-week. To say that it's slow and talky is an understatement.This film seems to have gotten a horrible rap, mainly due to the fact that it was marketed to the wrong sort of audience. Not that there's a huge audience for this sort of movie. The packaging depicts a man with a bloody chainsaw (no chainsaw is even used in the film) and the description on the back blatantly gives away the twist. The body count is low, the gore is barely seen and the film crawls along from start to finish. Not exactly the slasher film that the box leads you to believe it is. And to boot, the audience is enticed early on with a tale of a "curse" that really has nothing to do with the plot.The film fits into more of a "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"-type psychological-drama category, but there are many factors (revealed late into the film, but disclosed on the box) that push it into the horror genre. The story unfolds at a slow pace with lots of twists and distractions, and a good chunk of the dialogue has a payoff of some sort or another.Taking into consideration what sort of film it REALLY is, it's quite good. Catarina Conti gives a fine performance as the heroine. At times she comes off sort of wooden, though it's because of the character and not her performance. Brennan Elliot gives a very layered performance as a psychopath that's really quite intriguing if you're up to going with it. The production values are modest at best ('70s TV-movie really does come to mind) but it's well-filmed with some beautiful snowy scenery. Perennial soundtrack band Wild Colonials provide the songs in the film, beginning with an infectiously goofy ditty called "Quarrel-Tet" that plays over the opening titles (a song that it's hard to shake from my head once its in there).The film is not for most tastes, but it's a good risk for lovers of plays or those up to taking a chance on a film that's more talk than action.
SPOILERS -- if you even care! Wow was this movie bad. It was almost like it wasn't directed by anyone and the actors made up their lines as they went along. Things that bugged me: Lacy Underalls brings in her groceries and leaves her car door open with the engine running and the radio on -- for what seems to be hours! Some old guy named Ben comes by and chews her ear off telling her the tale of some "curse". FINALLY she goes out to move her car and runs over the handy man. He's already acting all weird and psycho, and immediately tells her about his father issues. Hmmm! Then we keep seeing some hooded person lurking the woods, and guess what? We never find out who this person is! He does get killed though, along with Ben and her friend Cindy. Like we care! The handy man says "show me around the house" and Lacy says sure, let's start upstairs and he says, "I'd rather start down here if you don't mind." Like, why? I kept waiting for her to tell him about the aforementioned sink she was having issues with, but no. Let's see, what else. She tells him he smells and that he needs a shower, and he asks if he can take a bath, which she reacts to as if it were the most inappropriate suggestion. Hello, you just told him he needed a shower! There are a million doors into the house, none of which she keeps locked. She starts cooking dinner about eight times. She boils water and cuts up some carrots. They drink some red wine and he tells her he has "feelings" for her. Hello? Then he acts all gay and dorky. Hoody man comes to the house and tries to get in (again who is this person?) and Psycho man goes outside and kills him (I guess, we don't see it.) But then he comes back into the house with the most hilarious bloody handprint on the back of his sweater. I really laughed out loud at that one. Then his psyche really unravels before our eyes and he has at least three personalities, plus the personality of Lacy's dead husband Ron. The next 30 minutes are him running up and down the stairs after he ties Lacy up. She easily escapes, grabs a big fork and stabs him. He just sort of backs up and lets her stab him! As time drags on endlessly, he hits her a few times, stabs her a few times with this tiny little knife, and ties her up again. She calls 911 from her cell phone and tells them that a maniacal killer is loose in her house, and the 911 dispatcher says, "you're 50 miles from us, so maybe we'll get someone to swing by!" Swing by? Come on! They never come either until the next day after she's killed the pyscho handy man about 10 times over. She hits him with a fireplace poker many many times, but that doesn't kill him. She shoots him a few times, and I guess that finally does the trick. The real handy man finally shows up and when he sees the dead guy on a tarp he says, whoa what happened to that dude, or something really inane. Hello, the guy is dead! She gets no medical attention to all her stab wounds, and she proceeds in dumping all her husband's clothing etc. onto the snow. The end! There, I saved you all the pain of watching this movie.
Clint Walker
It's hard to express sometimes just how bad a motion picture is. I mean after all, haven't we ALL had someone come up to us and say, "It's the WORST motion picture I've ever seen?" After a while, the term really doesn't have much meaning anymore.While I can't quite say that this is the worst horror film I've ever seen (after seeing literally thousands of them, that honor I give to "Rat Man" with "Beast in the Cellar" ranking a close runner up), it certainly does rank up there in the top bracket of lameness which I usually reserve for older films (for some reason I expect modern day direct-to-video horror movies to suck).So what's wrong with it? Well, first of all it fails a usually sturdy horror movie concept (self-reliant woman fights for her life in an isolated rural setting against one or multiple assilaints). Here we get an endless 100 minutes of an unappealing actor trying to hide he's a psychopath (a character as supposedly smart as the woman in this movie should have been able to tell after her first conversation with him, but like the rest of the movie, she remains stone still with a concerned look on her face while he has any number of freak outs), mixed with clumsily directed murder scenes, and an ridiculously repetitive and drawn-out final twenty minutes.oh yeah, and there's some stuff about this guy being a shape shifting, mind-reading serial killer who may be possessed by the spirit of some kind of dead prospector who has cursed the valley. Oh man...For better entries in this sub-genera (I'm picking more obscure ones) try, "Death Weekend," "Fortress," or even "Rituals" even though that last one is more of a "Deliverance" copy than anything else.