i must have seen a different film!!
Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Here Comes the Bride (2010) is a film directed by Chris Martinez, a rising director with 5 wins & 4 nominations under his achiever's belt.This is his first film for 2010, and he chooses to direct a comedy, about body-swapping. It is a major letdown in my opinion, as this genre has been tried & tried again, it got boring.Nothing new; people switching bodies and not realizing it. And once they've realized it, they do not really know what to do do about it.Humor were good and well-placed, but scarce. And they have many dialogs in other native Philippines language, which makes understanding it harder.However, there are good moral to be derived from this comedy. About putting other in our own shoes, about looking at things through other people's perspectives, and not just ours.An overall feel-good film; nothing inspirational though.
It appeared like a good movie judging from the trailer, and I was definitely not disappointed. It was just as good as I thought it would be.It was not exactly highbrow humor, but I still loved it. I personally thought it was one of the funnier Filipino movies, which is saying a lot, considering that I don't really like Filipino comedies! Body-swap movies are nothing new, but this one brought a breath of fresh air into a cliché-ridden genre. I especially loved the bride's transformation from Virgin Mary to Paris Hilton. Hilarious!Overall, a nice silly comedy that knows what it is and does its job well. Don't expect a masterpiece, but treat it as a fun movie. A must see! 10/10