This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
best movie i've ever seen.
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
This movie kept me guessing throughout. You don't know who the killer is until the last, extremely creepy, scene.Somehow Katie was traumatized in her youth. Apparently she lost her mother and self-soothed by singing a nursery rhyme.Now, in adulthood, she remains disturbed and it's only a really disturbed guy who can turn her on. She's where she needs to be in this movie's final frame, and we and she have been assured she'll be well taken care of. Finally, she can be safe -- and maybe that explains her preternatural smile at the end. Her professor has been her ticket to security after all....only it's not the type of security one would initially have expected.Not at all bad a film for made-for-TV.
If you enjoy watching a 35 + woman behave like an immature naive 17 year old girl then you will enjoy this flick. Her name is Catherine but she prefers Katie. Aside from the horrible acting, the casting is terrible. We are supposed to belief that the 30something gorgeous single woman is so desperate that she is turned on by some old man perv taking advantage of a burglary to cop a feel. He almost throws her over a balcony and attempts to force himself on her against her will, yet she stays with him. Oh, and we are supposed to believe this supermodel 30 something behaves like a wallflower in class and puts private love letters in a large plastic drawer labeled letters. Serioiusly, the main character has the emotional maturity of a adolescent 12 year old. Who casted this movie anyway? it is like a long parade of unattractive men who cannot act. And the fate of Katie rest in their hands....ugh
This may contain spoilers.This movie is not as horrible, in my opinion as many before me had stated.The movie itself is a little laggy with some boring parts that are hard to stay tuned to.This movie has flashbacks in a his view / her view type of situation. But who do you believe? A student falls for her married teacher with murder in the end.I personally don't think this is a must watch or even that suspenseful as many things give the ending away about 1/3 of the way through it.If nothing else is on and you find yourself looking for 2 hours to kill on a made for TV movie then give it a chance. It is just OK for me.
Eva Ionesco
From the moment this film opens, it grabs hold of you and never lets go till the final frame. A woman who we later find out is Katie Griffin, drives to a police station and tells the police that there has been a car crash, and that a woman has been killed. She thinks that her lover, the man she had an affair with for the last eight months, has killed his wife so he could inherit his wife's money, and marry her. She thinks he must have tampered with her car, to make it go off the road.The wife is not actually dead, but in a coma. Her husband is a writer, and teaches a ten-week writing course. The police confront him and escort him to the hospital. His story is that they never had an affair, that she was just an obsessive student of his, in love with him and making a terrible nuisance of herself. If the car was tampered with to kill the wife, then she would have done it out of jealousy.Both their stories fit all the known facts. Their descriptions of events differ, but they both talk about the same events. The audience is kept guessing all the way through. Which one of their stories is true? Although many murder mysteries use artificial devices to keep the audience guessing, this brilliantly-written, brilliantly-directed film does it only with utterly believable, appropriate plot and character development.Near the end, when Katie hands over photos to the detective, the truth is revealed. But although the detective now knows the truth, the audience doesn't actually see what's in those photos until the very satisfying, yet very surprising, end. If you love murder mysteries, and you love good films, this would certainly be one of the best you'll ever see.