Heavens Fall

6.6| 1h45m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 20 July 2006 Released
Producted By: Voltage Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Successful New York attorney Sam Leibowitz travels to the South in 1933 to defend nine young black men accused of raping two women on an Alabama freight train.


Drama, Crime

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Terry Green

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Voltage Pictures


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Heavens Fall Audience Reviews

Micitype Pretty Good
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
mark2-1 I saw the film on TV today and found it fascinating and shocking.I agree with the opinion of the majority of the other reviewers that the cast was excellent. *** This review may contain spoilers ***I am confused that Author: Robert J. Maxwell ([email protected]) from Deming, New Mexico, USA wrote:"Liebowitz, without his knowing, may have helped lose the case himself. In a café, seeing a black girl waiting for a lunch to be handed to her to take out because she's not admitted into the café. Liebowitz strides over to her, hands her the paper bag, slams down the payment on the counter, and shouts, "What kind of people ARE you?" That's no way to endear yourself to the community from which the jurors are drawn."This is not how the scene was in the version I saw. In the version I saw, Liebowitz sees the girl waiting outside the door and the waitress takes a very, very long time to bother to deliver the paper bag to her outside the door and collect her payment. This illustrates how little regard the waitress has for a black child.
les6969 There is much about this film that makes it a good film, the cast are all very good and seem perfect in their respective roles. There are many different emotions and ways of thinking being portrayed and this is all done really well. In many ways this film reminds me of 'A time to kill', but it is shocking to think that the events portrayed really happened, and not that far into the past either. The racism and segregation that existed in the southern states of the USA are in many ways worse than apartheid in South Africa. To think that otherwise intelligent, moral and well mannered people can have such idiotic views regarding people of a different colour is astounding and America should be deeply ashamed of this. I wonder what some of the real people as portrayed in this film now think of their Black President? I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoyed 'A time to kill' or 'To kill a mocking bird'.
nysalesman100-1 I loved this movie, the acting, the story, the injustice. In fact I was so moved that I decided to learn more about the true case. Then something strange happened, upon reading the actual court testimony and uncovering the actual facts, these guys looked awful guilty to me.The movie would have you believe that trial after trial ended with conviction solely because of white prejudice. While it is true that there was a lynch mob, and far more prejudice in the south back then than now, the facts of the case totally justify why jury after jury found these men guilty. The only valid point made by the defense was that the jury was all white (which is why this case got national attention). The movie fails to mention that the national attention came at the funding of the Communist party who exploited the all white jury to make it seem like the defendants were getting an unfair trial. The movie also didn't mention that Ruby Bates was very well taken care of by the Communist party to recant her testimony.If you don't believe me, read the trial transcripts for yourself. You will see that these girls gave amazing details when describing how they were raped and who raped them. The most damning forensic evidence was that the girl's vaginas were loaded with sperm (far more than from one man). While the sperm was found to be non-motile (as in the movie) the movie insinuated that sperm can remain motile for up to 24 hours; when in reality vaginal sperm will remain motile for two to three hours (six hours in some very rare cases).It also didn't make sense that Victoria Price would stick to her story until her dying day when it was obvious that Ruby didn't change her story until paid off and instructed to do so by the Communist party. In fact shortly after the trial Ruby remained in a life of luxury, supported by the Communist party. The movie would also have you believe that Ruby Bates fought for the release of these boys for the rest of her life due to sheer guilt. However, the facts bear out that Ruby Bates did so as an active member of the International Labor Defense campaign and used the trials publicity to help promote Communist rhetoric.The movie was great, but a more accurate portrayal of the truth (rather than a politically correct con game) would have been more appreciated.
bradenevans514 The movie was very thought-provoking! I never knew African-Americans weren't allowed on jury duty during the 1930s. It truly amazes me just how stupid and ignorant the white people were back then! For these white me to convict a man of rape, recommend the electric chair as the punishment, and then exit the courtroom with smiles on their faces just angers me to no end!!! I hope God has sent these men to hell, where they belong! To whomever made this film, thank you. You've really opened my eyes to the problems this country has had with racism! (Not to say I didn't already have a good idea!) I will never share the same beliefs of my ancestors!!!!! Justice is for all, no matter what skin color they possess!