Very disappointing...
Memorable, crazy movie
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Horror, to some, may seem like a niche. A small genre that gets attention every October in the form of Haunted Houses, a couple scary movies, and some good old fashioned trick or treating. To others it is a lifestyle, an art. Haunters the Art of the Scare reveals that massive iceberg below the surface. The haunter world is extremely complex, from the politics, to the construction, to the social impacts. Haunters perfectly encapsulates a digestible look for those who may not be familiar with terms like "Extreme Haunt", "Scare Actor", and of course the infamous "McKamey Manor". But it also offers something to the seasoned horror veteran. Reading between the lines and seeing the underlying dynamic between many legendary haunters, allows you to begin to understand the true complexities of the community. I myself, love to make and build and create. Seeing others so passionate about their craft serves as inspiration to continue my personal path deeper into the horror community. The film also seems to serve as a warning. The key to being a good haunter is surrounding yourself with those that support you even though they may not understand you. I loved how the film begged the question: How far is too far? Every viewer has the ability to make that determination and choose their own experience. Jon Schnitzer's Haunters: the Art of the Scare is a must see documentary for everyone from October pilgrims to a Hardcore Haunter.
As a Halloween/Haunt fanatic, I couldn't help but be stoked for this documentary the moment I heard about it. Jon Schnitzer offers up a fun, in depth, informative look into the world of haunting. And and even deeper look into the world of "Extreme Haunts". The whole crew who made this film happen did an awesome job and it's a must-add to any Halloween/Haunt lovers must-see list!
My favorite thing about this is that Shar Mayer is now forever immortalized. She is an amazing human being, and I was lucky that my first Haunt ever was with her. I've now worked with her 4 times in a row in 3 years. I adore this woman. Shar, I cried when you said, "Because a haunt monster haunts". This documentary has inspired me to continue Haunting.Especially, with The 17th Door Haunted House as the COMPLETE COWARD I am, it's really the only place I feel safe, thank you Heather Luther & Robbie! Also, I love that there is a story line to follow and it's just so weird that I can't wrap my mind about it. I mercy a lot during cast walk-thru but I appreciate it so much.I recommend everyone watch this on Netflix right now! It's great. I am not a fan of the McKamey Manor the sense I won't ever attend myself. But I also won't attend HHN. I do appreciate the Dog Good they do though!I am so happy with this. Who would have guessed I would ever feel warm and fuzzy about something scare-related. Great job to Jon Schnitzer who I've also met. Dude I was so lucky to like start with all of these incredible humans. I had completely forgotten I saw snippets of it at ScareLA when I was the SM there in 2016. How cool that I had a sneak peek to something that has now inspired me.This is a long winded way of saying, 'this is soo cool'
We've all been to "haunted houses." Most of these places seem to appear out of nowhere about a month or so before Halloween. Most of these houses are pretty innocuous. This film is about those that are not."Haunters" is about some notorious haunted houses that go (what I would call) "beyond safe." Those involved are NOT interested in just scaring people; they want to literally torture and victimize those who may dare to venture through the confines. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy a good scare as much as anyone. However, I found what was done in these haunts went way beyond a safe level. I do not care how many "waivers" a person may sign, that doesn't make these side-shows any safer. It's one thing to have a jump scare, but there is no rhyme or reason as to why the participants are holding peoples' heads below water, putting putrid stuff in their mouths and (when they vomit) have been so lovingly instructed by the proprietors to "pick up the vomit and put it back in their mouths." One experience called "Blackout" is literally a one-on-many torture encounter. Interviewing one participant who made it through, the viewer learns he "did things that would cost him his marriage" and "thing that would cost me my freedom." Now, think about that for a second. The guy had earlier referred to "rape"; I wonder if that's what he did. With enough loose canons out there already, these places would be just what they'd need to unhinge completely. What was even more frightening to me were the participants who seemed to experience orgasms while wallowing in the carnage. The movie is not rated and I personally do not recommend it. Mark my words, people are going to wind up getting killed in one of these "abodes" because they are hell-bent on out-doing their rivals. Then--and only then--will something finally be done to control these idiots.