This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Adeel Hail
Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Maleeha Vincent
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Bad porn? the movie is neither what it suggest neither is it an erotic movie.I fail to understand the point of making this video? because it's not a movie, it doesn't deserve to be called a movie. i suggest watching other films than watching this and if you do, do it on fast forward, you won't miss a thing if you ignore the dialogue.
This movie sucked. "Headless" was much better. In the first 45 - 50 minutes of this movie, nothing much happens in the way of horror. It's just a bunch of kids on a camp out talking about sex and drugs. During the films last 30 minutes, some kinds of mutant creatures show up, but since there is no explanation of what they were, why they were there, where they came from or what their purpose was, the movie makes little or no sense at all. This movie is yet just another excursion into the world of artsy-fartsy movies that nobody can figure out. The makers of the film should just stick to serial killers. At least that's something the real world can relate to......The only saving grace of this film is Ellie Church. I have loved her since the first time i saw her and i'm so glad they didn't kill her off in this movie like they did in the previous one. She is perfect "eye candy" and I can't get enough of her..but other than that, i wouldn't waste time watching this...there is no point, rhyme or reason to the story...we need another movie about a serial killer who has sex with severed heads....
Paul Magne Haakonsen
It was the synopsis of the movie and the fact that it was labeled as a horror movie that initially caught my attention. It seemed like the movie could have potential to be something interesting. It turned out that the keywords here were "could have"..."Harvest Lake" turned out to be a sleazefest dressed in a horror wrapping. There was so much pointless nudity and focus on sex acts that the movie was almost a softcore porn flick. It was just too much, and director and writer Scott Schirmer could have opted for a much more neutral approach and a more subtle sexual approach, which would have proved for a much more adequate movie.The acting in the movie was good, especially taking into consideration that the acting talents had very little to work with in terms of script and story.The storyline, however, was every bit as mundane as it was generic and predictable. Actually, I will go as far as to claiming that the storylien was sort of pointless, because all that this movie was about was showing sexual depravity instilled upon the minds of the young people by the otherworldly being in the forest."Harvest Lake" had adequate special effects, mind you that there wasn't a lot of special effects. The creature in the forest was sort of interesting, but it was marred by having a very low budget appearance to it. So a few more dollars thrown after the special effects department would have done wonders for the movie.What was the toughest part of the movie to get through was the incredibly slow pace that the storyline was presented in. It just trotted on in a very monotonous pace that really had no ups or downs.I managed to sit through "Harvest Lake" to the very end, but I found my focus, attention and interest in the movie hard pressed many times throughout the course of the movie. I was hoping that the movie would pick up and become better as it went along, but that hope was in vain. My rating of "Harvest Lake" ends on a generous 3 out of 10 stars.
Have you ever watched a movie and asked yourself what was the point? Please don't waste your time watching this movie. 2 hours of my life I cannot get back. It was like watching a porno, but its background story wasn't as good... and it wasn't a porno. IMDb 5 lines of required review text, is too much to ask for this movie.