One of my all time favorites.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
If you are reading this prior to viewing the movie then perhaps you wont find it as bad a movie as most reviews suggest. Yes it is lackluster and yes the props and scenery certainly don't suggest a time somewhere in the future but these things can easily be overlooked. Cuba Gooding plays out his emotions quite well and there are moments when Val Kilmer portray an evil maniac quite well with some very odd movements and almost unperceivable body language but no he has not aged well. It was almost laughable to see a 1980 Volvo being driven down the road without so much as a (now obsolete) dash GPS. Still, there are some moments that give this movie a bit of a kick along such as the departed wife reminding her now neurologically enhanced husband that she does love him while sensing that her unborn baby would like in on the action. Don't totally disregard this movie. Watch it when there is nothing but crud on TV and be prepared for a journey albeit a slightly bland one at times that can and will remind you of the ever growing nature of Globalism.
Matt Kracht
The plot: After being involved in a nasty car crash, a man receives an experimental implant, courtesy of an omnipresent, multinational corporation.Hardwired is a throwback to the low budget cyberpunk movie boom of the early 90s. With former A-list stars, an interesting (though not quite original) premise, and lots of action scenes, you'd think that this movie would have lots of promise. One could even be forgiven for thinking that it'd even be good. Unfortunately, it's so cheesy, predictable, low budget, and comically inept that you can't help but laugh. Despite all of its ridiculous problems, it's so earnest and enthusiastic that I can't bring myself to hate it. It's an enjoyable mess of a movie, as long as you're not expecting something intellectual and artistic.Amidst all the cheesiness, there were some things that worked well, and I have to admit that I'm tiny bit disappointed that there isn't a sequel. I would have loved to see Lance Henricksen play the evil megalomaniac. I guess we'll never know how the story ends, though it's probably for the best that we're not inflicted with an even more clichéd followup.If you're a fan of low budget B movies, it can't hurt too much to give Hardwired a try.
Mediocre acting, ponderous political pandering, and the total implausibility of the plot execution finally overcame the desire to seek entertainment value or insight in this clunker. We are supposed to believe that the CEO of the world's largest corporation spends his time watching some guy walking around on the streets. This is like a movie about Bill Gates watching somebody's home computer crash and cackle about it.Evil corporations control the world now. We can tell because they have hologrammed commercials erupting out of every building and national landmark in sight. This is a movie element designed to appeal to five year olds with paranoia and dementia. Yeah, we get it. Pass ObamaCare or else heartless corporations will scoop people off the streets who have been in car wrecks and upon finding them uninsured, pop a microchip the size of an ipod into their heads and harass them into buying watches. Got it.This doesn't qualify as science fiction, it is somebody's private delusion made into a movie. No doubt by an evil corporation.
Emmett Dove
I just finished watching this movie. If you like sci-fi, you might enjoy this if you have nothing else to watch. The story line is OK, it could happen I suppose. The plot has been done so many times though. The acting is not there, even though it has some decent actors in it. Seems Cuba didn't even want to play the role, shows really no passion in the movie. The action failed real bad. After around 15 minutes or so, it turns video-gamish. The ending is left for a sequel in-which I have no clue as to why. Also, why did I give it a 5? It has it's moments & could have been a decent movie. If your a die-hard sci-fi fan, you might just like it. I try to be fair when judging all movies, because what I don't like others will & vice-versa.