The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
My verdict: Not good nor bad, I would call it an okay-movie. Good enough for watching one time - if you like movies like Carpenters The Thing. The movie is clearly a homage (or rip-off) to Carpenters movie, even the "monster" got a similar look of the original from 1982. What Harbinger Down really lacks imo is suspense - the movie just runs down the path of this kind of movies straight and nothing, and I mean really nothing unexpected happens at all. Another point why Harbinger Down can't catch up to The Thing - the characters are shallow and boring so you can't really connect to them (at least I didn't) and if one dies you really don't bother at all. Anyway, connoisseurs of the genre may dare a look.
Loved it, the feel of 80s and 90s sci-fi horror done with REAL EFFECTS not a green screen in sight. The FX team put there skills that where over looked by the director when making the thing remake/prequel that opted for almost total CGI effects (the norm in Hollywood, sadly). Well there loss is our gain, this feels like its what that remake could of offered, some "critics/reviewers" bandy around the word "ripoff" i prefer the term "affectionate nod" as this film has a few nice little touches that some proper fans will see n smile fondly at. Ill leave saying this if you where a fan of 80s/90s horror be of big budget or "B-movie" and you appreciate the real effects that films of that era was built on and the talents behind the bog franchises then this is a fond, welcome long overdue return to those days.
You can catch this on Netflix. If you've got nothing better to do, go ahead and watch. This is a definite attempt at John Carpenter's "The Thing". The monster is a virus type thingy that grows and can shape shift. It takes out the drama of it shifting into human form. It just goes from monster to liquid and back again. Everything is moderate for this movie from acting to script to special effects. The budget was probably pretty low, so take that into account. To top it all, the ship was supposed to explode at the end and it doesn't so you can add editing issues to the list. The monster is kind of fun to watch, but not overly scary.
Paying homage to "The Thing," this film was a whole lotta twisty, gnarly fun! The closed in spaces with some whacky lines ("We're going to need a bigger bucket!"), some thoroughly easy-to-hate characters and an icky, morphing creature, made "Harbinger Down" an enjoyable monster- fest. Despite the low star-rating, I watched this movie because of Lance Henriksen. He's awesome and did not disappointed. While some of the acting was cheesy, I felt like it was supposed to be. The heroine wasn't exactly impressive. In fact, I'd never seen her or any of the other actors in anything before. But whatever. The special effects were special in that old throwback monster mash kind of way and I had a ball.