Admirable film.
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Rosie Searle
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
That's probably about the only good thing to say about this movie and even then, that's a stretch at times.I must have picked this movie up during a fantasy movie kick buying spurge when the system recommended it to me. I only paid about $2.50 for it, before s&h, but even that is far too much. It is stereotypical in at least two ways. It is as predictable as a Robin Cook novel where one can easily pick out the foe and like certain fantasy novels, the art work on the cover leads one to believe that there is far more inside than what it actual has.No castles, no swords, no warriors in stylish leather armor, and really for that matter, no heroes. Major players seem to be present more for their curves in their form fitting clothing than for what they actually bring to the story. Well, perhaps that is not quite fair for in their lines, there is some contribution but the cast does not deliver. They cannot carry the show. One does not care about the heroes or hate the enemies or worry about the innocents. There are, perhaps, suggestions of sub themes at work in the story but they are never developed so the viewer may be mislead by their presence. It would have taken just a little effort to illuminate them but that effort is never made.In the end, evil is vanquished with hardly any effort at all which leaves one to wonder, then what do we need these special ones for?The movie is vastly disappointing and its only redeeming grace is the hope that in some future, these now overconfident babes in the woods will get their heads handed to them by a worthy enemy. But, of course, having been once bitten by the original, one is twice shy to watch any sequel by this production company.
While some knock offs (movies that have been done in the shadow of a big budget movie, another Hansel & Gretel in this case) are really interesting and good, this is neither. It doesn't look as bad as I heard people say it looks (lighting wise and considering the fact, that there must have been almost no money to shoot it), but in all the other departments it lacks.The two main actors share the same last name, so they might actually be relatives (I didn't bother to look that up), as they are in the movie too. This doesn't influence their abilities to act that way though. Eye candy is provided (male and female department), but nothing to enhance the viewing pleasure. Eric Roberts almost has nothing to do (other than look suspicious around corners, I kid you not) and the overall editing can be described as bad! Just bad! It's a time waister alright, but one you should avoid
What is the best thing I can say about Hansel and Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft (2013), oh yeah, it was only 83 minutes long, instead of 90+ minutes. Fivel Stewart and real life brother, BooBoo Stewart play – wait for it – brother and sister witch slayers, Ella and Jonah. It was good to see Vanessa Angel again, sorry it had to be in such poor movie and one of my all time favorite ladies, Cherie Currie who does get a couple of scenes teaching one of the smallest classes I have ever seen, but at least it is outdoors and under a shade tree. A couple of other decent players, none of whom I ever remember seeing before are Tyne Stecklein as Megan, Courtney B. Turk as Reiko, Kathryn Collins as Kristen and I felt she should have been given a much bigger role. Then there was the BMOC played by Niclas Gillis as Landon and a brief role going to Judy Norton as Allyson. Finally one of my least favorite actors Eric Roberts as Mr. Sebastian.The whole thing takes place at one school, but they try and make you think it is two schools, but the opening scene at the first school is the same scene they use over and over in the movie. The whole thing is a rush to make money on the coat-tails of the real Hansel and Gretel – Witch Hunters. I won't spoil your fun and or give anything away, as if there were anything to give away. You might watch this to see Fivel Stewart as I think she could go far in the movie business, as long as she doesn't get too many roles like this one.
This is not a good movie. If that's all you need to know, then you don't have to go any further. It's badly acted, badly directed, has no budget, the script makes no sense, there's no continuity, the camera work is pathetic, and the story flat out contradicts itself on several occasions. As a purveyor of bad movies, I naturally enjoyed it a whole lot.The story follows Jonah and Ella (no, not Hansel and Gretal... that would be stupid!) as they are kicked out of yet another high school because her brother has misbehaved in some vague manner. They are accepted into one of the most 'prestigious' schools in the nation at Salem Massachusetts. I say 'prestigious' because they keep talking about how well respected it is despite the fact that there would appear to be only one or two buildings, the dorms consist of a single room with two beds and, oh yeah, people have been murdered and/or found severely brain damaged on campus, although from what I can tell nobody has really made a big deal of it. Jonah gets into a fight almost immediately with the most stereotypical jock ever, and after complaining that nobody ever talks to him he immediately tells the only people who want to talk to him to f**k off. He's then invited by the jock that beat him up to come perform witchcraft and suck out the souls of other students, which he readily agrees to (I can't stress enough how fast he goes from 'nobody likes me' to 'i'm a complete jerk').Ella, meanwhile, begins to think that something is afoot as she repeatedly talks to her guidance councilor who tells her all about the rumors of witchcraft at the school, telling Ella that it was prophesied that a set of twins would kill the cult of witches that reside there. Spoiler alert, the councilor is the head witch (who told her all about them). I'd say it's a surprise except every time you see 'mysterious robed witch' it's clearly a middle-aged woman, and the only woman the characters have any real interaction is the middle-aged guidance councilor.Along the way, Ella finds that her parents were witch hunters who were killed by the same witch group, so she decides to kill the witches with a knife she found while investigating a bookshelf because... it had.. circles on it? She learns how to kill witches from her creepy stalker principle who trains her by throwing baseballs at her. They do this while the witches stand not 10 feet from them watching, and are then surprised when one of them stabs the principle in broad daylight. Anyways, she eventually convinces her brother that killing people to drain their souls is bad, and after the shortest non-fight ever they kill the witch and decide to leave. To say it's a short fight would be an understatement. The head witch reveals her identity, says they don't stand a chance, is immediately stabbed by Ella, then explodes. Then they find out their real names were Hansel and Gretel, because apparently they didn't know their own names due to their parents dying...or something... Where to begin on what this movie does wrong? You already likely noticed that this movie has NOTHING to do with Hansel and Gretel outside of the eventual reveal that their names are coincidentally the same and that one of the school buildings is called 'gingerbread house'. The witches are completely non-threatening, and seem to sabotage themselves at every opportunity. They claim that it was 'destined' that the two would go to the school yet it was the school THAT INVITED THEM THERE in the first place. Then they decide to stop them fulfilling the prophecy by TELLING THEM THEY ARE WITCHES. While both actors ARE siblings, it's strange that they both have black belts yet have maybe 2 seconds worth of fighting. It's a waste that I'd think even THESE directors would have noticed, but apparently not.The night scenes are clearly filmed during the day and they just tinted the screen blue... you can even see the sun! And at one point they are inside at night then someone opens the door and it's clearly the middle of the day!Ella's shirt changes between every scene, and she even wears it backwards sometimes. Not to say she has a large wardrobe, she just changes back and forth between 2 or 3 shirts over and over. There's 10 kids in the entire school that occupy the backgrounds, making 'afro-boy' and 'girl with pink backpack' my favorite characters in the whole movie. They re-use the same stock footage too many times (not just same angle, but same people in same position), and they have still images as establishing shots. They say it takes place in Massachusetts despite looking a lot like California and having the California flag in the corner of a room in several shots. For some reason witches explode into stars when stabbed, using CG like in the original Star Trek. You can see the camera crew in several reflections throughout the movie. Oh, and the scene on the cover where they wear leather armor brandishing crossbows while walking away from an exploding castle? Yeah, that never happens. They never change out of t-shirts, and the only weapon in the entire movie is the dagger that Ella finds. There is no castle, and nothing explodes. Honestly I could keep going on, but when I tried listing all the flaws I ended up going over the 1000 word limit. This movie is a complete waste of time and money, unless you're looking for something that's so awful it's funny, in which case go for it. In that regards I liked it enough to give it a 2, but it probably doesn't deserve that.