Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Ariella Broughton
It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Hacking Democracy, to me, comes way out of left field, so when my friend recommended I was skeptical but willing to watch. The movie introduces you to voting fraud via a mother and some very dedicated watchdogs. The movie takes you through the personal fight of these people and never ceases to provide the big-picture as well.Come to the movie with an open-mind and take the ride. The movie does a good job of not coming off as extreme or radical and constantly roots itself in the moment. The people who are fighting for a more open system are very easy to identify with, and overall the movie succeeds in its goals.Hacking Democracy takes an extreme position, but does it with Apple Pie. 10/10
Please watch this and think about how your "vote" might go... This documentary is an eye opener to the corruption of what is supposed to be a "pure" given right of our vote and voice to be heard. But when your voice (vote) can be manipulated, then democracy is not there. This movie shows how there are three companies who provide these machines and all the so called security and accuracy they have. But the truth is shown that these machines can easily be tampered with. I just heard that there are devices you can get so that when you go up to the computer and vote you can manipulate the system as you vote. We have chosen this high tech system which leaves no paper trail to the truth.
This timely HBO production should be required viewing for all voters. It shows irrefutable proof of vote tampering in past elections, as well as serious flaws in the machines being used to count votes in upcoming elections - including Nov. 7th, 2006.Since the subject matter is so huge, trying to cover it all in the time allotted would be impossible. However, the producers decided to concentrate on the activities of just one group of many exposing election fraud - Bev Harris from BlackBoxVotingThe U.S. needs more people like Bev. Many more. Now. Without the vote, you have nothing but a dictatorship.
The story of mass voter fraud done by computer nerds. If this is true, it's probably one of the scariest things ever. Not scary like the wolfman scary, but scary because it's real.This shows that it was actually legitimately possible that the entire presidential election was rigged. With simple hacking or computer programing by a company run by a republican and supported by republicans turning the output toward a republican candidate.It completely explains the negative vote totals that Kerry received in some districts in the last election. Instead of stuffing the ballot box, technology allows to start one person possibly negative 10,000 votes with the other guy up 10,000 ... unfortunately Kerry didn't get the number of votes required to bring the negative vote back to zero.This is pretty big. If it is true.