Such a frustrating disappointment
So much average
Better Late Then Never
Admirable film.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk" id a 44-minute documentary short from 2008, so this one will have its 10th anniversary next year. It was directed by highly prolific documentary filmmaker and 2-time Oscar nominee Greg MacGillivray. The title of this award-winning movie is a bit misleading because even if there are environmental aspects in here, it never felt as if this was remotely the center and core message during these 3 quarters of an hour sadly. The consequence is that this one is really only worth seeing to those with an interest in rafting (actually they should rather go rafting instead of seeing this one) or those with some kind of connection to the Grand Canyon, maybe people who have spent their holidays there more than once. I personally felt this film had some lengths sadly and never really got me curious about the subject. I like Robert Redford, but his narration was as mediocre as everything else about this one. And the pseudo-important inclusion of a Kennedy honestly felt more on the awkward and random side than somewhat worthy of its addition. Gotta give this one a thumbs-down. Nowhere near my favorite IMAX movies. Visually it is fine for the most part, but not good enough either to make me overlook all the other weaknesses. Watch something else instead.
Michael Fargo
I didn't see this in an IMAX theater, but on a 3d HDTV. In searching for material that demonstrates the technology, a shopper can be challenged unless you want four of the "Shrek" movies or horror films that are good for perhaps one viewing.But this film is educational, beautiful and a spectacular subject for a 3D film. The soundtrack by Dave Matthews keeps any of it from being tiresome. The river rafting sequences are well-placed and the aerial shots inspiring.The participants, Robert Redford and Robert Kennedy, Jr., add gravitas without being too heavy with the purpose of the film: Conservation of fresh water and the world-wide crisis.This is a stunning film visually, and the camera spends a great deal of time "in love" with its subject: the American Southwest.
A BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. Don't waste your time or money. This is not a film about the wonders of the vast Grand Canyon. I was anticipating a film that would explore the flora and fauna, the rock strata, the massive proportions etc. Sadly there was no information about the wonders of the canyon itself. I was not prepared for this propaganda packed film. That it was narrated by Robert Redford should have been the first clue.This is a political/earth-worshiping film designed to guilt you into voting for candidates who "care" about the environment and all the poor Mexican families we are killing by irrigating our crops with water from the Colorado River. You will learn about evil Asian trees that have invaded the canyon floor. You will learn about how a tribe of Indians used to farm the river banks and grow various crops but now the river banks are not suitable for this purpose. Gee...I wonder if that's because the Indians don't live there anymore and have stopped working the soil!?! I know when I stopped weeding my garden it became unsuitable for growing tomatoes. Also, you will learn how your spirit is wounded and needs healing. The good news is that you don't need Prozac, Zoloft or any other psychotropic drug from your doctor. No, all you need to do is "connect" with the mighty Colorado by dipping your hand in its healing flow. Mmm, feel the power! In summary this movie tells us that we have been very naughty- The Kennedy's have discovered our misbehavior- and now we must re-connect with the river and replace our shower heads with new water saving models. If we act quickly we can save the dying Mexican families we've been killing by flushing our toilets and sprinkling our lawns.Save your money and go see Ben Stein's film "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed."
There must be better ways to "save the world's rivers" and combat Global Warming than spending 33 cents per minute on this misguided, misnomered Propaganda film. Maybe Large Format Films, especially those that require us to wear the 3D Goggles have run their course? This film offers no History of one of the Wonders of The World, but instead offers black and white photos of the "Kennedy Clan", exposes us to a Native American Female Guide who vandalizes the "Imported Japanese Trees" that are "driving out the native plants and trees that should be inhabiting the Colorado River Basin" with a long Bowie type knife! I thought these videos were reserved for You Tube? And then Insults and tries to guilt the Audience for excess water usage that is causing the Sudan River to dry up over the next 100 years. I may not be as environmentally sensitive as members of the "Kennedy Compound" or Robert Redford himself, but I thought the more immediate threat in Africa was the holocaust in Darfur? I don't know if taking shorter showers in Irvine, is really the most optimal way of helping the residents of the Sudan? Then the Producers go on a Rant about how the Dams of the mighty Colorado River, which include the Hoover Dam, were built on "miscalculations of rainfall in the region, and now it is up to Environmentalists to decide on the future of these dams". Warning Los Angeles and Las Vegas, these dudes are about to take your water supply away! Of course no one who knows history, has their wits about social responsibility and knows anything about the science of Ecology, is going to fall for this crock of garbage! Give to your favorite global warming associations and go Green. Don't rely on fools with money to guilt you into doing for the environment, what you already do on your own and feel good about yourself for doing it. Positive messages, respect for your audience and financial incentives by the government, water utilities and sane fund-raisers are the ways to slow down and eventually eliminate the water shortage problem and improve our world's climate. Arrogance, misuse of my $12 to fund the "Kennedy Compound" and Redford's film festival and ski resorts are monies not well spent. Give $12 to your Favorite environmental group or candidate who supports the environment in your hometown and feel good about yourself for doing it. Orange County residents are the best and every friend and family member I know is already doing something positive to maintain our beautiful environment!