Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Highly Overrated But Still Good
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
A truly entertaining road movie from the early 80's, recently launched on DVD. From beginning to end, Goodbye P P is full of moments that charm and make you feel good, blended with those episodes of genuine depth that are (I think) hard to achieve in a film that sells itself for it's frothy facade. The acting is pretty good, the camera work very well done and overall a throughly enjoyable dash through beautiful New Zealand. There are certain sections of the flick that can seem rather dull but then again, I haven't seen a film that lacks these entirely.Despite some dubious scenes (a mini out running an Oz V8 being one of them), the action sequences are believable, helped by the film and editing crews' skills.Watch it and enjoy a surely to be cult classic.What I found most intriguing about the whole thing was how dated everything appeared compared to early 80's UK. For those car buffs out there, check them out and you'll see what I mean but don't let that distract your attention from the subtle camera moves and as I said earlier, the quality of the acting.
Typical road/buddy movie about two strangers who come together through circumstance and then bond in their quest to snub authority and the system. This time it's done in along trek across New Zealand in a very small (yet very durable) little car. Certainly not the most original idea and not the most plausible either. Yet the humor is genuinely funny and the characters are better defined than other movies of similar type (ala GUMBALL RALLY). Actor Johnson is particularly good as a rebellious and confused young man with no constructive outlet to channel his emotions. Overall this is not a important movie nor even a memorable one, but it is a enetertaining one that should bring out everyones deep seated desire for independance and nonconformity.
This movie is great fun, and entertaining from start to finish. Whereas some of Geoff Murphy's movies (Quiet Earth, Young Guns 2, Utu) made it to video, this little gem didn't (at least not here in the US) - too bad. Hopefully at some point, someone will recognise it as the classic it is, and release it on video or DVD.
Goodbye Pork Pie is one of my favourite movies, mainly because it covers everything about road trips, hitch-hiking and hassles with the law in New Zealand. Kiwi's get a real kick from GBPP because it's a hoot to see the old police cars, the chases in Wellington CBD, the dope smoking, the small "in" jokes about how New Zealanders see each other. You might have trouble finding in in NTSC f