Perry Kate
Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
The Worst Film Ever
Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
This is a fabulous "feel good" movie. I've probably watched this a dozen times and it's still a favorite to pop in the DVD when company comes calling. This movie never got the publicity it deserved so it's pretty much a surprise when I play it for guests. Then, everyone wants a copy. I probably would never have heard of it myself if my mom hadn't been an extra in it and (unlike one of the previous comments) she loved every minute of the experience - as well as the finished product. Part of it was filmed in Winchester Bay, Oregon where my mom had a gift shop. I love hearing all the "inside" stories she tells such as when she was on the outside patio in direct line of sight of the scene being filmed in the bar. She was under a light which highlighted her flaming red hair and it stood out too much in the scene. The director yelled "cut", then "kill the red hair"! At first, she thought he said "kill the red-head"!
GOOD LUCK is an entertaining, frequently very funny, and extremely well-acted film. Unfortunately, it can't quite make up its mind whether it wants to be a realistic depiction of the problems facing the disabled or a feel good film. The strong language and sexual situations make it the former--some of the more unrealistically upbeat scenes the latter. Still, it's a lot better than many films that get more publicity. And the acting is superb. Max Gail is wonderful in a small but crucial part. The late Gregory Hines is excellent, although there's something disconcerting about such a great dancer confined to a wheelchair (although that may have been the point of his casting). And look here--Vincent D'Onofrio in what probably is the most conventional starring role of his career. And he looks terrific, right from the film's start, when he's speeding along in a sports car. He's believable as a football star, and, as always, a terrific actor.Can I recommend it? Definitely for D'Onofrio and Hines fans. It would also be a nice antidote to the usual sports film. It certainly deserves to be better known.Wardicus
This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Two men, both handicapped as the results of freak accidents, journey together to compete in a river rafting competition. It focuses more on their bonding than the race itself, and that is what makes the film good. Rent it if you get the chance.*** out of ****
Recently I found this movie at the video store and being a Vincent D'Onofrio fan I decided to give it a chance. I found the movie very entertaining. The beginning is a little cheesy but I think it gets going fairly quickly. There was a scene or two that could have been chucked out the window. I thought Lem and Olee were two good characters and both actors portrait was excellent. A better job could have been made at hiding mikes and editing scenes. However, Vincent D'Onofrio was terrific and I also liked farmer John who played Wojo on Barney Miller.