Wonderful Movie
If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Orright, how can I be the only person who has seen this film and can comment on it? Am I doomed to be 'the guy from Australia' who seems to be the only one who actually saw all these really obscure movies?... at the cinema? Well, here is the sad truth: I saw this on a double feature in about 1968 during the school holidays when it ran for a week as a big double feature at Sydney's glorious mangy 2500 seat crumbling plaster palace, The Capitol.... the usual home of AIP drive in doubles ("now showing at The Capitol and these 11 drive ins" the ad usually went...) however this time GIT! ( can you believe this...) ran with another outdoorsy film THE CAT. Yep, one big week: GIT ! + THE CAT.... I am not sure if there were children right across Sydney pestering their parents moaning "But I wanna see GIT ! plus THE CAT...." but I do know there were a lot of us there that afternoon... and not just the usual hobos drinking metho. I see both films were made and directed by the same person: Ellis Kadison... and since I now recall that it all seemed like one big long identical film half with a slobbering dog and half with a big cat, no wonder. Yes in both films boy runs away and befriends wild animal. Rural Americana for families... like those Andy Griffith movies like ANGEL IN MY POCKET or the bear movie NIGHT OF THE GRIZZLY with Clint Walker. Well, we got em all and I of course paid money to see them. Yippee!