
2013 "Cannibalism is contagious"
3.7| 1h25m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 12 March 2013 Released
Producted By: Two Thirds Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The military's attempt to shoot down an orbiting satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic on a remote, small town. Deputy Max Brody and his girlfriend Brooke must battle their way through an army of infected townsfolk and soldiers as they struggle to save themselves and their loved ones from a horrible, early death. When cannibalism is contagious, will even the strong survive?



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John Craddock, J.T. Boone

Production Companies

Two Thirds Productions


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Germ Audience Reviews

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Michael Ledo This is "Andromeda Strain" plus zombies. There are a limited number of characters in this film that involves a small mountain community. I managed to like one of the characters, the deputy with a sense of humor. The rest of the characters lacked depth and dialogue. The film moves slow for the first half and I was fairly bored up until that last 20 minutes. The plot while simple was haphazard. There is plenty of blood splatter.Not Fangoria's best film, a disappointment.Parental Guide: F-bomb. Near sex. No nudity.
bob_wilson11 Low budget for sure!!But I would have to say its probably realistic as it would probably be in real life.I think we get spoiled if a major studio isn't involved that will spend 100 million plus on a special effects full movie with big name actors!This is a little film but I felt Like this could happen to my town and I would act the same way these people did!! Its not the best acting movie but I enjoyed it more than World War Z !. So I guess it makes me nuts,still look at the Night of the Living Dead, it was made for all most nothing and it had a no name cast and a very low budget and it still was a hit and fun to watch today . So give it a chance its slow in spots. As I said its probably how real people would do if this happened to a real small town!!
Matt Kracht The plot: After a satellite falls in central New York, the hapless townspeople are transformed into ravenous zombies.As far as zombie film plots go, this is hardly an original one. I doubt most people watch direct-to-video zombie films for original ideas, so we can probably overlook this issue. Less forgivable is the acting and directing. After the first ten minutes, I was ready to turn this off, but I decided to give it a chance. After all, this was made not too far away from where I live, and I was curious what a Syracuse-area zombie film would look like.I'm happy to report that the film does get better after the first excruciatingly bad minutes, but it's still an uphill battle. We're introduced to quite a few characters, none of whom are especially interesting or memorable. The acting is about what you'd expect for a direct-to-video zombie film, but it should be more-or-less tolerable for genre veterans used to lowering their standards.Once the zombies appear, the pace quickens a bit, but the action scenes are really no more interesting or memorable than the characters. Zombies siege a house, zombies siege a car, zombies siege a police station -- these are not quite inspired scenarios. If you're just looking for a bit of zombie action and low budget gore, this will hold you over until the next direct-to-video zombie film arrives, but there's little recommend about this particular entry in that crowded arena.For a film that I originally thought was unsalvageable and boring, it eventually did turn into a slightly more interesting film. The problem is that it never really peaked any higher than mediocre. I doubt anyone outside of the central New York area will be as amused by the novelty of its setting, and this is really the only reason why I finished it. If you really want to see New Yorkers terrorized by monsters in low budget horror films, Larry Fessenden, Jim Mickle, and Larry Cohen are better choices.
Uriah43 A satellite carrying a space-born virus lands near a small town which turns those residents nearest to the impact into raving zombies. Soon the people of the town are caught up in a life and death struggle with no immediate help coming in the near future. Anyway, so much for the plot which is hardly original. Add in the fact that this was a low-budget film and one could probably understand why my expectations were somewhat jaded. However, I was mildly surprised as the directors (J.T. Boone and John Craddock) managed to make the most out of what they had and were able to produce a decent enough zombie picture. Most of this hinged upon the fact that the action was so dominant that the lack of costly special effects and the unknown actors were subordinate to it. That said, there isn't much here that will excite bloodthirsty gore hounds. Again, the action is the key to this movie. Now, would I have preferred a bit more gore? Yes. But I suppose I can't reasonably fault anybody for putting a priority on action instead of gore. Especially since the decision resulted in a satisfactory movie overall.