One of my all time favorites.
Instant Favorite.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
The Couchpotatoes
I don't know what their budget was, obviously not much when you see the poor special effects and the mediocre settings, but a low budget does not necessarily means a bad movie. It could have good actors and a good story. But the truth is that neither of those were present in Genesis. It's a terrible movie, a total time waster, one you wished you never watched. And not only the movie is really bad it's also extremely long, almost two hours of intense garbage. If only they would have used the money they spent on a two hour movie for maybe a very short movie or a videoclip then maybe it could have been something, but I have severe doubts about that because talent is obviously something they lack here. I hope it's not their only way to make a living otherwise I can't see a bright future for them. If so, don't despair, McDonalds is always hiring.
Genesis looked encouraging on first inspection but sadly, a closer look proved me wrong. I'm afraid ambitious sci fi, needs an equally ambitious budget. This film in short simply lacks the $$ to meet any possible potential it might have had. That said, the general idea behind this film has been done before and done much much better too. Blade Runner is the obvious point of comparison (granted they are not the same but the general concept is). Acting wise Genesis does do a good job. There is some decent talent brought on board for this project such as John Hannah. Its a shame the rest of the film could not live up to expectations.As it stand marginally watchable but by no means special. 5/10 from me.
Captivating for the first five minutes, and rapidly downhill from there.I watched it to the last minute only so I could fairly rate this stinker.Rating: Stinker!
This movie is full of overacting Olivia Grant, Chiké Okonkwo.