A waste of 90 minutes of my life
The acting in this movie is really good.
The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
I think this movie has got it all. It has really cool music that I can never get out of my head. It has cool looking characters. IS REALLY funny(you know, the kind that you'll crack up on the ground and you'll keep saying the funny parts over every day for three weeks).Despite the bad acting, bad cgi, and bad story(about cops going after a robot), its really cool. Its one of those movies you and all of your family can watch, get together, eat pizza, laugh like crazy, and watch it two more times.There are so many funny parts, like when Kurt was trying to get Edison's attention and gave him the finger, and then threw a paint ball gun at him so they could play paint ball. On that part, I kept saying "Remember, Remember?"to my cousins who saw it and showed them what happened. There was also a really funny part when Edision ran into the room and Kurt was there(just before they fought) and Kurt was talking about his "Strange dream" and how he was "Superman". I LOVED that part, although it has been a while since I saw it, so I don't remember that part. Everything the actors said were funny, like how Kurt says, "I worship you, like a GOD!" to the robot.Although there was some bad things, in all it was a GREAT movie. Man, I can't stop laughing. I wish I had that movie. );
The "why" is obvious - the first one was a hit, and understandably so. Good action, decent story, strong cast. Everything a good HK movie needs.
Then along comes "Gen-Y Cops" (or one of its other names - Metal Mayhem or such). Here you have some of the cast (no Nic Tse?) from the first movie trying to stop a Transformers reject from shooting people. Why were there robots to begin with in this movie? For the most part, robots in movies haven't even been cool since 1988. On top of that, you have Match and Alien from Gen-X cops walking around talking street jive. "What's-up-my-man?" Plus, there's Edison - or as I call him "The Asian Marky Mark", because really, after watching him, you feel like he should have said "Feel the vibration!" He has the look... the Funky Bunch look.Paul Rudd, well, I dunno. He's just there, being an Angry American Government Agency Guy (A.A.G.A.G.) who becomes a friend over the course of.3 seconds. There's a story of Edison's old friend being the one who made/sabotaged the robot and made it kill, but does it matter? Does it really matter?
So really, all we're left with here, is Stephen Fung, Sam Lee, and the Asian Marky Mark having to fight Megatron while Paul Rudd struggles to keep up. Oh, that and they speak English for a good portion of the movie - which they do considerably well, if you overlook how obnoxious it is. By that, I mean you hear "WHOOOOOOAAAA, MAAAAAN!" every 15 to 45 seconds, usually Alien (Sam Lee)'s fault.In my opinion, the only redeeming quality this movie had was the music it played on the DVD menu. Other than that, there's really not much to it. Stick with Gen-X Cops. That's all you need.
"Gen X Cops" was an fun blend of drama, comedy, action and technology. I was disappointed to see that only a couple of the original cast members came back for the sequel, especially since it was the group of them that helped make the first film so appealing.The plot of Gen Y (an armed American robot is kidnapped by its creator/programmer and used to commit chaos and revenge etc etc etc) and consequent subplots are really second to the action. There's quite a bit of humorous dialogue between the two Hong Kong partners, though the character of Alien truly does overact in a number of scenes and his use of English slang is overdone. For the most part, though, this is an action movie with an emphasis on technology not to be taken too seriously and is quite a departure from the first film. I think it might have worked just as well as a movie on its own instead of a sequel, but I didn't finance it.The special effects are amusing (some well done and some not quite so well done), the action sequences are well choreographed and the new cast members hold their own, especially Edison. He's cute, got some good moves and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him in future films. What in the world was a blonde Paul Rudd doing here though???Don't expect the most serious film in the world. Just sit back, relax, be amazed, cringe and wait to see what the next sequel brings us!(7 out of 10)
Exceptionally silly actioner with braindead leads in a story which would have suited a fill-in issue of Spiderman. The action sequences never really flow as they should, leaving some cool bits orphaned in a sea of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I really wonder how they'll release this one in the West. Sam Lee overacts like crazy, newcomer Edison Chan doesn't display any acting talent yet. The robot is clunky and not very impressive, and the CGI effects (though done by US sfx-people) are ridiculous, totally destroying any remaining suspension of disbelief. I am NOT looking forward to Gen-Z Cops...