Simply Perfect
Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Calum Hutton
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Beast With A Billion Backs Was Crap Bender's Big Score Is Alright. This Is Great. Bender Looses His Mind Due To Playing Too Much 'Dungeons & Dragons' & Farnsworth Exclaims "Good God Hasn't He Seen The After School Special" That Made Me Laugh & Bender Looses His Interlect. Mom Has Been Lying About A Dark Matter Shortage & The Remainder Of The Planet Express Crew Try To Link The Anti-Matter Crystal To The Dark Matter Crystal. They Get Sent Into A Fantasy World. They Joke Off Lord Of The Rings & Star Wars A Lot. This Is Futurama's Best & Funniest Movie. My Favourite Part Is When Bender Gets Run Dowm By A Bus Thinking Its A Dragon. I Forgot To Mention Dr. Zoidberg Put An Anger Management Collar On Leela.
Argh, this movie is so frustratingly bad! There are a number of flaws which will be detailed below. Basically, the Planet Express crew get sucked into some alternate reality after storming Mom's lair to save Nibbler and a bunch of other Nibblonians...but it takes ages to get to the alternate reality, by the time they do, the movie is halfway over. And then, the "plot" is mostly a whole bunch of pop culture references crammed down the viewer's throat! Enough already, you're referencing popular stuff, we get it, don't overdo it! And the characterization really suffers in this movie too. They take one aspect of a character's personality, and multiply it by ten, and suddenly, you've got a Leela who want's to kill everything and an Amy who wants to sleep with everyone, even the hideous monsters. Jeez, Leela hits people a lot in the show, but nowhere near as much as she does here, and Amy was never so...loose as she is here, she makes out with an Orc, a Mork (don't ask) and even Leela! That last one came right out of left field and was so ridiculously pointless, it didn't even make sense! So yeah, don't watch this movie, you'll be losing more than half of your brain cells, go watch the first two movies or the show instead, but not this or the next movie, which is almost as bad.
This is my favorite Futrama movie so far. The jokes are hilarious and there is an interesting plot and theme. Dr Zoidberg is funny as always, and the D&D theme will amuse every fan of Futurama (after all, there is a little nerd in all of us, right?).Nibbler is central to one of the plots in the movie, and he's cute and fuzzy race is a welcome addition back into the fold as Fry and the Planetary express crew fight against Mom's robot empire.One of the best cartoon movies ever! I don't know how some of the other reviews can say that the jokes in this latest installment of Futurama fall flat, they are outright hilarious, a lot better than the 2nd one. Bender really shines in this movie, going crazy and turning into a giant LOTR nerd. I give it a 4/5. Go watch it now!
Of the first 3 of 4 FUTURAMA movies, I love this one the best. The jokes are almost non-stop, the story moves much faster, and overall, this one was more like the regular episodes are/were...The spaceship demolition race was so cool, and the whole 2nd half was a blast (I never was into Dungeons and Dragons, but enjoyed all the references anyways. I liked LOTR movies, so that stuff was great too, and all the many references to other stuff, I always dig that junk!)Have watched this DVD almost every day since it came out, and still haven't gotten tired of it. It just is so darn good, and the characters are all in top form. Some of the best FUTURAMA writing, jokes, etc., for my money.To paraphrase that garbage scow driver, "If you's likes FUTURAMA's, then you's justs got-stas gets 'Bender's Game'!"