a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Suman Roberson
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
"From One Second to the Next", by the renowned documentarian Werner Herzog, is a powerful short on the most tragic consequences resulting in people texting while driving. Herzog takes the subject that while serious may appear too general or simplistic a topic, and makes it a really personal, moving experience, showing both side of several very sad incidents. The interviews of both loved ones of victims, and of those whose texting caused tragedies (those who were willing to speak) are very powerful and moving.Beyond all this is a dire warning to anyone who has this reckless habit to get away with it right away, and those haven't garnered it to make sure they don't start. No words which you can wait to say later—it can only take one word, an abbreviation of a few letters—can ever be worth the needless taking of a human life.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
This is a 2013 documentary short film by German director Werner Herzog. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, he actually made a couple short films, so this was a bit of back to the roots for him now at the age of 70. This film is about car accident, more specifically those who happen because one of the victims is on the phone texting. We hear a handful stories, each roughly seven minutes by relatives of dead people, people who got severely injured and their family, but also by people who texted during driving and caused a car crash this way. No matter which side you're on, the one texting or an innocent victim, this will crucially change your life for the worse. You will die. You will have severe injuries. Or you will just have to live with the guilt, let alone the legal consequences you are about to face. These are all very sad examples of what could happen. The saddest in my opinion was the one with the woman who got severely injured and her dog got killed. She lived, but she will be disabled for the rest of her life and the girl who is responsibly got away with hardly no punishment at all. She did not appear in front of a camera because her lawyer instructed her that way, but also she will have to live with the guilt. I don't know how famous this documentary would be without its director and I don't think there is a real Herzog touch of it like it is the case for most of the other films he made, but the message stays the same: Do not text and drive or you could lose all you have.
The moment I read about this new documentary short from Werner Herzog, I thought, "A public service announcement video to warn people to never text while driving? Really?" It seems like a small hair ball of a problem that should already be common sense. Having watched the short, I realized that's precisely the problem, that texting while driving seems like a such a minor hiccup. It is not.The half-hour short covers the story of four accidents that have caused by texting while driving. One case has a child that is paralyzed for life and is currently on life support, caused by an accident from a teenage girl who was distracted from texting. There were no skid marks. She never saw him. Another case involves a man who killed two Amish children. The driver is now perpetually left to questioning himself what was so important about his text that couldn't wait. The other two cases was a family dealing with the monstrous medical bills from her mother's accident and a family losing her father. What really struck me was the last man who caused the accident, who wasn't able to recall the text message he sent after the accident happened. He couldn't remember why it was important.Herzog brings his brand of deep introspectiveness to the short, adding the much-needed seriousness this topic deserves. As the title suggests, life is connected by each second. It's in- between each seconds we must throw caution, because everything can change within a second. The most disturbing part for me was, my initial reaction was exactly the type of behavior this short was trying to warn against. It is not a hairball. It is not something to handle. Reading a text is not better than sending a text. There are human lives at stake. Do not text and drive. You just do not do it.Some statistics I found on texting while driving:Texting while driving causes 1,600,000 accidents per year.The minimal amount of time needed for a text is 5 seconds. If you are traveling at 88.5 km/hour (55 miles/hour), that would cover an entire football field without any attention paid to the road.As of 2011, at least 23% auto collisions have involved cell phones. That amounts to 1.3 million car crashes.1 out of 5 drivers of all ages confess to surfing on the web while driving.Text messaging is the longest eye-off-the-road time out of all the distracted driving activities. An accident is 23 times more likely to happen if you are text messaging.The documentary can be viewed on Youtube. The slogan to the AT&T campaign is "It can wait."For more reviews, please visit my film blog at
bob the moo
If you have a phone and if you have a car then you have texted on that phone when you have been driving – for the vast majority of people I'd say this is the case. Might just be to read a message or maybe just to type and send a one-word response, but I think a lot of people have done it. It is such a small thing that takes so little time that it is easy to justify and easy to do – in the US I imagine it is even more tempting with long highways, cruise-control and large comfortable vehicles that sometimes feel like they are driving themselves. The consequences of such action is what this film is about and, although some may be put off by the idea of educational programming for schools, let me assure you that this short film is so much more than the standard.The main thing that drew me to it and one of the reasons it is such a strong film is that it is directed by Werner Herzog and he brings to this film the very high standards that one would associate with his feature-length documentaries. Although we (wisely) never hear his side of the interviews, he has a knack for getting people to talk, reflect and open up – not sure how he does it but it works so often. In the four stories we have presented here, he gets such great testimony. The film opens with "I had my brother in my hand" and we see a teenage girl posing half on a kerb with her hand behind her holding the hand of someone who isn't there anymore. It is a grabbing line and it is the best way to start because it never lets you go. The stories are presented factually and there is no fake music or forced sentimentality here, people just speak. For half the stories the film has access to the texters and their victims, for the other two just the victims, but they are all incredibly moving and it is hard not to feel for these people who, one way or another have had their lives completely changed for the worse. It is 35 minutes long but I found it very hard to make it through without hitting pause.The content may sound obvious but, like I say, the manner in which it is constructed and delivered is excellent and it is greatly complemented by the direction and cinematography. For all its sadness, it is a very beautiful film to look at. The definition is high, the colors are perfect and the shot selection and framing is great. We don't just get talking heads, we also get characters in-situ in places, against backdrops; it is perhaps hard to describe but while it doesn't use visually flair or trickery, it is plain and simple a beautiful looking film and worth watching on HD even if your internet connection is a bit slow.It is freely available online and it deserved to be watched. Those that love Herzog's work will find that he is totally present here (this is not some corporate gig for him) but the more important reason for watching is simply how tragic and brutally impacting the film is. Our lives are made up of small, selfish actions where we think of ourselves first and others second – the film makes it incredibly clear that these actions should be put to one side while in control of a 2 tonne block of metal traveling at speed.