It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
OK...I'm gay and have been for 57 years. Up till now there haven't been many films made for gay guys except gay porn. We did break new ground in "Brokeback" in 2006, but then nothing. In "Brokeback", we had two mature, masculine, attractive, "normal" gay men involved in a romance with each other. But, the ending, unlike most hetero romance dramas, ended sadly. It was a guilt inspiring ending. See what all you straights do to gay guys. You force them to live lies. It wasn't a movie written primarily for a gay audience because gay people, not unlike straight people, want to see positive characters and happy endings. In "FREE FALL", the German gay romance made in 2013, we have similar characters we saw in "Brokeback", masculine, attractive, mature, "normal" seeming gay men. Unlike "Brokeback" we see that one character, who is struggling with his sexuality, is actually evolving before our very eyes. He's coming to terms with his gayness, which opens the way for a satisfying sequel with a happy ending - because unlike "Brokeback", both characters are still alive at the end.
I saw Free Fall expecting to see something like Blue is the Warmest Color (2013), it wasn't so depressing and deep as that film but was a good surprise.In Free Fall we see a married "straight" police falling in love for another guy, unfortunately to complicate the things, his wife is pregnant. The film has a gay thematic but it's good to all audiences, there are a couple of sex scenes but nothing that will make someone feels shocked. Sex won't shock the homophobic audience, they will get shocked with the chemistry between the two main characters, that couple looks real, I thought a lot of times "okay, the producers chosen a gay couple to star this film".If you're thinking this is a romantic story full of cute moments, I should say you will get disappointed because Free Fall is a movie about life, there are enough happy scenes and sad moments that make us feel we are watching a real story. By the way, there are some good sequences about homophobia, where we see how the homophobic people are stupid and they worry a lot with the happiness of the another persons.It's not so deep like Blue is the Warmest Color and it's VERY FAR to be a romantic film, however is a great movie. It doesn't matter if you're straight, bisexual or gay, watch it if you want to know how a real life relationship works.Rate: 9/10
guil fisher
I was quite surprised to find this film to be excellent in all phases from the script to the director to the actors (all) to the camera and to us. It held me all the way through. I don't think there could have been any other ending then what it was. I know many romantics would have love it differently but in the writing there was honesty and truth to behold between the two lovers. There was the frustration, the times, the facts of each of them and their situations. I can't think how there could have been anything else that would change what was inevitable. It took lots of courage to do this film. I felt the actors in the two leads were superb in how they played their roles. Very believable and honest with their emotions. I also liked the wife in how she went through the phases of realization of her situation and what it brought to her. She was lovely in this. Each actor brought simplicity and sensibility in their work. Bravo! This was life and played with honesty, respect and sincerity. Beautifully done.
An exciting movie portraying the dilemma of a father starting his own family and falling in love to his partner in crime man. The story tackles the stigma of a woman finding out that her husband is cheating on her not with another woman but with another man. And how she acts about the situation. The story also tells about the struggle of a straight man falling in love with another man while starting up his own family with a woman whom he also loves. Three roads are being introduced to him by life and he choose the road that he believes it is the best for him and the two people he loves, openly or not.The movie shows love of a man struggling what love he will choose.All praise to the people for their awesome product.