The Worst Film Ever
How sad is this?
Highly Overrated But Still Good
A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Dale Haufrect
"Frankie & Alice" is a 2010 movie. It is based on a true story of a young woman with a multiple personality disorder and is now available on NetFlix Instant Download Streaming. The director is Geoffrey Sax. The screenplay is by Cheryl Edwards and Marko King. Halle Berry is Frankie, the afflicted woman. The rest of the cast includes Stellan Skarsgarrd, Phylicia Rashad, Chandra Wilson, Alex Diakun, Joanne Baron, Brian Markinson, Matt Frewer, Rosalyn Coleman, Sean Tyson, Melainie Papalia, Kira Clavell, Joey Bothwell, Adrian Holmes, James Kirk, Kennedy Goodkey, Andrew Francis, Vanessa Morgan, Michayla McKenzie and Megan Charpentier. The story revolves around the inner conflicts of Frankie's other selves and uses hypnosis to dig deep into her youth to find the answers. I gave this film a score of 6. Dale Haufrect
Not tremendous not bad above average for certain. I recently watched Stellan S in Nymphomaniac vol 1&2 and I enjoy his performances more every time I see him and this movie is no exception as a doctor who reconnects with his professional passions while seeking to help the dual personality conflicted Frankie (Berry) a bit of mystery in this as well will keep you wanting to know what happens til credits also a good initial watch especially if you enjoy starring roles of Halle Berry where see gets to display her range as an actress in dramatic roles that do more than simply showcase her beauty exp Monsters Ball. I like the time period as well as the insight to Frankie's profession in that era as well and enjoyed the the how did it aspect of this movie.
Tony Heck
"Treatment is indefinite and integration is only beginning. The ultimate goal is acceptance." Frankie (Berry) is a go-go dancer with multiple personalities who is trying to straighten out her life. When things become dangerous for her she is taken to a hospital where she meets Oz (Skarsgård), a psychotherapist who tries to help her. He meets all of her personalities and talks with each of them in order to find out Frankie's past and what caused this problem. This is based on a true story. I'll start by saying I have not seen every single movie that Halle Berry has been in but of the ones I have seen I have never been impressed with her acting. Even when she won the Oscar for Monster's Ball I didn't think she deserved it, to me all she did was get naked and cry for a few hours, that doesn't impress me. That said, if I were to give her an award it would be for this one. She plays the different personalities so convincing and different that you believe she has this problem. As for the movie itself it is very good and worth watching even though it did seem to drag a little bit. The fact that this is a true story makes it that much more powerful and if the pacing was a little quicker this would be a fantastic movie. Overall, a movie that is very good and worth seeing especially for Berry's performance. I give this a B.
When a co-worker asked me today how was my weekend, I answered perfect. Friday 7:45 a.m., Halle Berry was on the Steve Harvey Morning Show (radio). 7:05 p.m., I'm at a cinema buying a ticket to see the movie. I go to Eatzi's in Plano, TX and I'm walking into the theater exactly when the show begins, 7:55 p.m. Flashback: at lunch I reflected on what I heard that morning, more than one personality possessing a body. It made me wonder if Jesus healed this condition or would this be a psychiatric case, not involving religion, not requiring its intervention.Frankie and Alice is only a movie, it's not a "film." It wasn't a cinematic experience. Well, can the same be said about Arbitrage (Richard Gere) or Birth (Nicole Kidman)? Birth is my favorite of the three, and it was a film, not a movie.I would like to mention two things that weren't right for me. I thought the home of the psychiatrist was a bit rich, too rich. The movie showed a connection between Frankie and Alice but Frankie's connection to "Genius" was not developed. In addition to "Genius" orbiting wide, the kind neighbor who appears in the laundromat scene also orbited wide. These characters were expendable.I think six to eight stars is a reasonable score for this movie.