I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Adeel Hail
Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
I expect Russell was the Technicolor draw for this rather tame installment of passion in the desert. Her box-office was peaking as thousands of men fantasized over certain Amazonian endowments. Still, she's quite good as the conflicted-wife, breathing life into a sometimes slumping narrative. Will she and Chandler stay together once they decide to get hitched. That's basically the plot-line, so get interested if you can. Trouble is he's also married to his job at the gold mine; plus, being the swarthy Chandler from a hundred previous Westerns, he's also half- Apache. But more difficult for them, she's a rich girl from the East with a snooty mother, so you get the culture clash idea.Duryea as the dipso doctor looks like he's having fun. But you do have to believe that somehow he handles the booze bottle with one hand and his patients with the other. Seems like a real stretch to me. Then too, there's the shapely Corday in a tacked-on role. Somehow she manages a fashion wardrobe on a nurse's salary. Oh well, she does have to carve out a glamour spot from the formidable Russell. Not much really happens in the 90-minutes. But there is a lot of eye candy, especially the bright colors that show up like neons against the desert backdrop. Otherwise, except for the attractive stars, this desert soap opera is pretty much forgettable.
This is one of 3 best movies Russell ever made: the other being gentleman prefer blonds with Marilyn and His Kind of Woman with Robert Mitchem...she is so beautiful, charming and totally a match of these two co-stars it is a pleasure to see them. Chandler is wonderful, what a shame dying at 42 from a bungled spinal operation(blood poisoning), or they would have surely made more movies together..check it out, a true spark between them...and ditto for she and Robert Mitchem in His Kind of Love 1955..they became lifelong friends until his death, Great interview by Robt Osbourne on Turner with the two of them. Louise ONeill
Greg Couture
Universal-International was a busy little hive of audience-pleasing eye candy back in the Fifties and it probably employed more "starlets" and up-and-coming hunks in its stable of contractees than all of its major studio rivals combined. Some of U.-I.'s output contained some very worthwhile elements amidst the Technicolored trappings. This one offered some fairly well-considered insights on the marital tribulations encountered when two people from very dissimilar backgrounds and outlooks on life attempt to make of their marriage vows more than just a ritual they once pronounced when their union began.Jane Russell seemed well paired with the tall and handsome Jeff Chandler and the locations look authentic enough for the story to hold one's interest. Celia Lovsky, always an actress who could win an audience's favor in the briefest of roles (and, alas, she was never allotted more than a few scenes in most of her films), scores once again in "Foxfire." This is one to watch for if you notice it scheduled on a late-night or early afternoon TV broadcast.
Originally I read Foxfire before I saw the movie. When I was sixteen I read Anya Seton's novel Foxfire. I enjoyed it immensely. My mother told me that there was a movie based on the novel & I began watching the listings in the TV Guide, searching for the listing for Foxfire. When I finally got to see the movie I was greatly impressed. I was terribly romantic, this movie's theme was a revelation to me of the pettiness of some people. I always found bigotry & prejudice to be very offensive. The way that this was conveyed in the movie brought sympathy to both lead characters. Dartland, J. Chandler's role,was so over sensitized to prejudice & his wife was so naive as to its existence, that the confrontation between the two, made the audience think. There are many sides to ugliness in society & this story embraced many of the facets of prejudice & bigotry. Perhaps love does concur all, at least that, in my opinion, is the theme of this story. I would rate this story as a two hanky classic. Love this film!