It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Rob van Opzeeland
Allan Holzman takes us on an unnecessary but highly enjoyable roller-coaster ride in this epically bad film. Everything about it screams B-movie, from the terrible acting of the male actors, the gratuitous full frontal nudity of the actresses, the jumpy and improbable plot, the cheesy lines. Movies like this are like a tasty cheeseburger in a cheap fast food restaurant. It's unhealthy, and disgustingly greasy, but after finishing it you feel a satisfied customer, and the next time you're in the neighbourhood you might just drop in for more. Yes, it's an Alien rip-off. Small crew, isolated base on a distant planet, and a monster that is made for killing and feeding only. And yes, they stole that robot design directly from Star Wars' stormtroopers. Are those reasons to dislike "Forbidden World"? Far from it. It steals shamelessly, and if anything the obviously stolen ideas make this movie even more fun to watch. I would have hated it if they tried to hide the fact this is a blatant rip-off. How could you not like a movie in which the monster is frequently called a "dingwhopper", and which packs these fantastic lines: Barbara : "I hear you're the best troubleshooter in the federation. Want to ehm.. see some trouble?"Barbara: "If it is intelligent, have you tried communicating with it?" Mike: "That's about the stupidest damn idea I heard all day"Dr. Timbergen: "Let's see how my wildly mutating cells get along with yours.""Forbidden World" makes no effort to be classy, it just shoves all the goodies in your face, and says "feast on this." So I did, and it was worth every second.
A cheap and nasty Alien rip-off. Roger Corman has no shame, which is part of the reason why his films are awesome. There's gore, terrible dialogue, an awful looking monster, and gratuitous nudity. Watch in disbelief as our "hero" goes from the bed of one woman, straight to the naked woman in the steam-room. Lines are delivered with such little emotion it seems as though each actor would race each other off set everyday. I simply can't recommend it as rumor has it all the funny bits were cut out. This makes it a rather po-faced knock-off. At least we are treated to an exceptionally 80's sex scene, with weird colors, fast editing, and electrical sound effects. It then cuts to other members on the planet, and we see a man jamming out on some weird instrument. I expected someone to burst into song at any moment. There's also the genius moment where a woman communicates with the creature via computer.
...I can remember when & where I was when I first saw this Roger Corman Classic. . . . it was when HBO was in it's infancy & late at nite or late at nite on the weekends, this movie was shown for one month straight! ..ah, what fun. Originally released in 1982 & under the title of "Mutant", the title of which was renamed "Forbidden World" when it was released in theaters as well as being re-edited, Forbidden World is about a consultant who has been sent to a far away planet where genetic engineering is being researched. Subject 20 has gotten lose inside the lab compound & eventually reeks catastrophe in the lab and in other parts/areas of the lab compound, not to mention, an appetite. ...& here is where i'll leave it without giving away the ending. For it's budget, the visual effects in this movie are quite good . . . gorry, but good. Although this movie has been branded an "alien" rip-off, . . . in my opinion (for what it's worth), I found this movie very entertaining, and fun to watch. ....especially when the monster made it's presence known. For quite sometime, this movie was only available on VHS. Now, it's been finally released on DVD & what's neat is that the Original Release of this movie under it's original title "Mutant" along with a "letter-box" and a re-mastered version of the theatrical release, and if you are a Roger Corman fan as I am, GRAB THIS DVD WHILE IT'S OUT!! ...enjoy!
Once again, Roger Corman and his "New World Pictures" sought to cash in on the craze of good Science Fiction (Star Trek, Star Wars and Alien) by producing a bad ripoff of someone else's better idea. Which is what you do if you can't come up with a good idea of your own.The basic plot line is that there is a "food shortage", and a group of ethically challenged scientists decide to create a human-alien hybrid which proceeds to get out and try to kill them all. A trouble shooter and his robot are sent in, apparently his only real skill is being able to spread his seed.Okay, sign that Roger and the people working for him are hacks. The whole climax of the plot is that the grubby looking scientist is dying of cancer. He makes sure we know this by coughing and acting sick at every opportunity. He also doesn't seem to want to take off his blood-spattered clothing and lab coat, even at dinner.The other characters include the two bimbos who get naked repeatedly, the expendable black guy (TM), the evil corporate scientist who hides what is really going on. Cliché Characters are us....But the monster, a poor cousin to the one in alien, is what ruins this movie. It never seems terribly threatening, and the characters practically have to kill themselves... which several of them do.