To me, this movie is perfection.
One of my all time favorites.
Don't listen to the negative reviews
Captivating movie !
I enjoyed this film because i didn't take it that seriously, good cast, British made, but my problem isn't with the film, the actors, the effects or the script, its with people comparing it to massive budget American crap like the day after tomorrow, we are force fed that crap and expected to accept it as quality film making and when a little film comes out over here then its a copy and therefore crap, what about all the really crap remakes that Hollywood are doing because they are afraid to make something new or original, all films made on blue or greens screens and created in a computer so no real effort is put in, maybe the people who slated Flood should watch it again as they are probably American and 12 years old and know less about film making than Hollywood do, I would rather watch this than transformers which is an insult to anyones intelligence over 17 years old.
"Global warming is killing us all!". This is of course despite the fact that not a shred of concrete evidence supports this flawed "theory". Lets all face it people, you simply can't take 100 years out of billions of years geological history and come to the conclusion that the climate is changing because of any minor influences. Do people pollute? Sure they do. Are we raping the planet of natural resources? Probably. Are we significantly changing the climate? Probably not, since the geological record shows far greater climate changes than we have experienced in the last 1000 years. A single solar flare has more control over the climate than we do. A meteorite causes more changes in an afternoon than man has caused in his entire time on the planet. A volcano causes more rapid and lasting climate changes in 30 minutes than man causes in 200 years. So why do these liberal idiots keep pushing this asinine idea? So they can get lucrative government grants to "study" this "phenomenon". The real study should be done on the ignorant saps that ACTUALLY believe these fantastical stories. 20,000 years ago the last ice age peaked. I suppose that was due to the major influence of spear chucking savages driving around gas guzzling SUV mastodons? Wake up people. You are sheep who will believe anything.Oh, and the movie sucked.
Recap: A catastrophic and unpredictable storm hits northern Britain causing massive floods. Against all experience, the storm then moves south and finally reaches London where everyone is mostly unprepared for it. Caught in the middle of it is the family Morrison. Father Leonard is the professor that devoted his life to preparing for London and is the only one who recognizes the threat. His devotion has left him and his son Rob estranged, but Rob is still the engineer that knows the Thames Barrier best, the only but hopelessly overwhelmed defenses. And the Barrier is run by Rob's ex Sam.Comments: A good idea in the footsteps of The Day after Tomorrow. However, to make a movie of this kind work you need either massive amounts of water (and allowed to cause massive collateral damage) or massive amounts of CGI. Of course everyone opts for the second, but then you really need enough to make the images plausible. Flood don't quite cut it. Too much of the footage is too clearly fake, too clearly the result of CGI to make it believable. Sure, I know that even if the movie looked good it would be fake footage, but the images need to look real.I think the people responsible realized this and the response was to fill it with subplots focused on the people involved. We have one main one in the Morrison's, but there was many others. Actually too many. In what seems to be an attempt to cover up the fact that they couldn't provide good enough images it is filled with small subplots of either missing family or guilt ridden characters. But they are too many, and too little time are spent to really invest in them, they become rather uninteresting. I got the feeling that they was there to cover up plot holes in the main plot instead of really contributing something. So, this was not so good. OK, for a rainy afternoon when the flood risk is low, but nothing more.5/10
Benoît A. Racine (benoit-3)
This film is striking for its opening sequence of a flash flood in Scotland, especially after seeing footage of what happened in Galveston, Texas, with Hurrican Ike just now. It unfortunately goes downhill from there. It might as well have been set in the XIXth century for all the realism of the weather-predicting techniques. For the last 10 years at least, the paths of hurricanes have been highly predictable a week ahead of time thanks to probability analysis. Even your local weather channel is a better predicting tool than anything imagined in this film. That part is laughable. Unfortunately, so is the drama element which is redolent of the worst soap-opera (read: hormonal) hysterics on record on both sides of the Atlantic. Failed marriages, missing children, the usual vaginal yearnings, you get the idea... How bad is it? It makes "The Day After Tomorrow" look like an undiscovered play by Henrik Ibsen. I find particularly offensive that this film depicts the lives of millions of Londoners depending on the whims of a single powerful woman with gonads the size of weather balloons surrounded by menzipoo wimps. On the plus side, the destruction of London by tidal wave (and CGI) is sort of cool at times, if you like that sort of thing. Action scenes are powerful if a little confused. The British actors are competent but lack charisma. The whole production, while infinitely better than any made-for-TV American entertainment of the same ilk, tries to embrace too much, Eastenders, Coronation Street and "Titanic" all rolled into one, and fails. The film's cardinal sin is that the talkiest scenes sound and look like cost-cutting time-fillers. The trendy blue-green colour scheme and the vaguely Celtic wailings of the soundtrack are the last word in oblivion-bound film-making.