You won't be disappointed!
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Five Easy Pieces is the kind of movie that will stay with you for a long time, and I'm not sure if in a good way. It's an amazing character story: Not feeling comfortable with his elite and artsy family, Robert Dupea (Jack Nicholson) leaves home and starts working as a blue collar worker in search of adventure. It's obvious that he wants to cut ties with his old life and family, yet he's not at ease with his new environment either. We see his confusion best in his relationships with women: Although he despises his waitress girlfriend (a simple girl played beautifully by Karen Black) he doesn't have the guts to leave her, on the other hand doesn't neglect to picks up random girls to have a one night stand with to forget all his confusion and enjoy some simple pleasure, and then seduces his brother's girlfriend (a young musician woman who belongs to a smilar class with him and who could actually appreciate his carefully hidden talents), yet it doesn't take long before he ruins everything again.. He doesn't really know what he wants and this is reflected on all his actions. I think the ending of the movie fits very well with such a character.
Five Easy Pieces isn't much of a film, despite Jack Nicholson in the main role. Robert is simply an a-hole and nothing much happens.Rayette and Catherine are the two characters which really give the film some life. The one whom Robert wants to be with and the one whom Robert is with but doesn't want to be. I can love a film where I dislike the main character, but there isn't much of a story here. That Elton character was bloody horrible, the two hitchhikers were as well and those two girls from the bowling alley, so many empty wasteful scenes. Despite all that and an unlikable main character, there was some good in it, not nearly enough though.Catherine: You're a strange person, Robert. I mean, what will you come to? If a person has no love for himself, no respect for himself, no love of his friends, family, work, something - how can he ask for love in return? I mean, why should he ask for it?
Honestly I did not enjoy this film very much. Its plot is boring to a fault and the acting is just boring and doesn't display much effort. The film itself is directed well enough with only a few weak shots but its just killed by the poor acting. I would not suggest watching this film and I don't enjoy it at all.
An effective, emotionally ravaging story concerning a drifter who runs away from his problems and picks up every odd job he can find. Nicholson has that magnetic quality that few actors possess so well, and his strong, utterly superb performance drives this film all the way through. Although it does bog down from time to time, director Bob Rafelson displays his mastery of the art of subtlety, using this for most of the film, before nailing his most important scenes with sudden outbursts from his characters that catch you off guard. Nicholson's character is definitely flawed, and he's a time-bomb ready to explode at any moment, but his mysterious character always keeps you glued to your seat, and the end of the film is just perfect beyond words.