Feed the Gods

3.7| 1h24m| R| en| More Info
Released: 26 October 2014 Released
Producted By: Compound B
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two brothers return to a small mountain town in search of their long lost parents only to discover that the place has a monstrous taste for tourists.

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Braden Croft

Production Companies

Compound B


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Feed the Gods Audience Reviews

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Shadowstung The Gods must be fed, to keep the remains of the town of Tendale from being destroyed. Who or what are these Gods, who would not spare even an infant unless he possesses a "green ticket"? How are these tickets obtained? Why does a dark shadow linger on the faces of the townspeople? These are the questions that Will Oates, a somewhat psychologically unstable fan of director Werner Herzog, accompanied by his hotshot- young-lawyer brother Kris and Kris' girlfriend Brit, finds himself trying to answer as he searches for his biological parents in the remains of this town that nestles deep in the heart of the Canadian Taiga. Beautifully detailed (and quirky) characters, witty dialogue and spine-chilling atmospherics add to Croft's fictional history of Tendale. The plot is both poignant and intricate, and requires generous use of the "seek" button if you don't want to miss the finer points! For the seasoned film buffs, especially those who enjoy delving beneath the surface of the movie, "Feed the Gods" is truly a treat.PS: I don't know what the other reviewers were thinking. They could have been expecting some blood-gore-scream extravaganza, or they might have confused a mentally unstable protagonist's irrational actions with plot holes. Either way, put your expectations from big- budget films aside while watching this. It's worth the effort.
amesmonde After the death of their foster-mother two brothers go back to the town where they were born only to find the place holds a deadly secret.Thankfully Feed the Gods is not a found footage, hand-held camera movie. It is comparable to The Wicker Man, borrowing elements in terms of story. Its laced with horror and off beat humour. However, writer/director Braden Croft has a lot on his hands and it never quiet merges the two tone elements like Cabin in the Woods, nor is it wacky enough to to be as entertaining as Tucker and Dale Versus Evil. Croft's writing works best when the middle of nowhere town's conspiracy aspects and vigils (reminiscent of Hot Fuzz) are centre stage rather than the shoehorned one liners. The unnecessary moments of POV camera stuff plonked in aside Shawn Roberts is memorable as Will, the loser geeky older brother and Erica Carroll gives a great performance.Croft's direction is great, thankfully it is for the majority traditionally shot and not another shaky cam film and he creates atmosphere especially during the opening and introduction to the rural townsfolk but it never fully reaches its full potential even with the well designed beast showing up in the latter half. It possibly would have worked as a welcomed all out serious horror or a full on comedy. Yes the main plot reveal is predictable from the outset given away by the films own title but thanks to the Bigfoot effects and likable lead its certainly worth checking out rather than writing it off.
arlenjhall The worst thing I don't like about movies like this is the people don't do things that they do in real life. The entire second half of he movie I was yelling at the screen for them to stop doing stupid things. People are dying because they don't think with their brains. Nobody in their right mind would do the things that get themselves killed in these movies. For once, I would like someone to write a movie script where people do smart things and avoid stupid things that get them killed. I gave this movie 3 out of 10 for stupidity. The actors were believable in their development of the characters. The storyline was good. The scenery and film location was excellent. (my wife said my blood pressure was going thru the roof if I didn't stop yelling at the screen)
chrismackey1972 The foster mother of brothers Will and Kris dies. Inside a box of belongings she left behind for Kris is a video labeled "Casablanca." There's no "Here's lookin' at you kid," movie on it though. Instead, it's a home movie of sorts. While Will is watching it, he notices a man and a woman in the video are the same as the people in a picture that was also in the box. The people turn out to be Will's and Kris' parents that the boys never knew. As anyone would do who never knew their parents, they decide to waste money and time going in search for these perfect strangers. The boys set out on a road trip to a town called Tendale in search of their parents, and Brit - Kris' girlfriend - goes along for the ride. Along the way, they stop at a gas station, and Will picks up a book about Big Foot. I guess you can see where this is going.The group stops at a bed & breakfast lodge where they meet a couple who says they're there in search of Big Foot. Will finds out that there's a legend stating many in the town's past were taken by "a Wildman." They go on a trek through the forest, and the review stops here. I don't wanna give away any spoilers.I gave this a 4-star rating. It certainly wasn't great, and as far as Big Foot movies go, I'd have to say this is very inferior to The Lost Coast Tapes. However, it wasn't awful or unwatchable. I wouldn't want to see it again, but for what it was, it was good enough.