Best movie ever!
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Joseph Sylvers
Jan Svankmajer(Alice/Conspirators Of Pleasure), who I've been watching a lot of, as of late, has a story that incorporates elements of the Faust play, book, and folk tales, in a unique stop animation/claymation/ and puppetry driven surrealist film. A man receives a map on a subway from a stranger follows it to strange theater, housing life size puppets manipulated by always out of sight puppeteers(only their hands are visible), where he sells his soul to Lucifer, making himself Lucifer's servant until death, and is unmade by his hubris. It's edited much better than Alice was, and is immediately rewarded for it, its much faster and has less boring bits. It's a lot funnier and more horrific, as well. A good addition for Svankmajor fans.
Jackson Booth-Millard
For mainly a Czech film, this is a good surreal film with interesting puppet and stop motion sequences. I can really only work out most of the beginning, where Petr Cepek as Faust is given a map in the street from some guy. He ignores this at first, but eventually he is convinced to go to where the map points out something in red. In this place which seems to be a theatre of some sort, there are many of surrealist events that (for me) make hardly any sense. It seems to be Faust has been given some powers and rule over the many puppet and clay characters, or something like that. It ends with him running out (like the previous visitor), and getting run over. All voices by Andrew Sachs. Worth watching!
Jan Svankmajer's telling of the German folk tale "Faust" is--like his rendition of "Alice in Wonderland" (simply titled "Alice")--a refreshingly surreal treat of a film. It's confusing, disconcerting, and grotesquely tongue-in-cheek (the Jester character is at once obnoxious, amusing, and creepy). The plot plays out like a Greek Tragedy, with the ill-fated Faust (Petr Cepek) wheeling and dealing with the Devil and his minions, manipulating Old Scratch until finally succumbing to a seduction that results in his demise. The intricacies of story are thrown at the viewer in a consistent flurry, to the point where it's best NOT to try to piece it all together. Throughout my viewing, favorable comparisons to Homer's "Odyssey," David Lynch's "Eraserhead," and the early short films of Roman Polanski were crossing my mind. While the English dubbing is atrocious and Svankmajer sometimes lets the film lull too far into a dream-like state (to the point where I had to take a brief nap halfway through), that shouldn't inhibit you from seeing "Faust."
This is my favorite one within the 4 works I have seen, which are Little Oik, Conspirations of Pleasure and Alice in different times. Every time, I saw Svankmajer's work, I was a bit shocked and excited.And I can always see marionettes, tongue, biting food, juice, repeat (which quite annoying, cos the repeat is beyond the limit you can bear). Like the clown read spell to control the movement of the devil again and again, same thing happened in Alice.I found Svankmajer like whipping, like close-up shots of the scene when people biting food.I broke laughter when Faust had sex with the female marionettes and found she was the devil in disguise.I think Frust will be much better if more conversations are deleted and some plots are cut. Cos people with patience like me are so few.In conclusion, it is a nightmarish marionette movie for children but a funny one for adults, isn't it? hehe