This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
I'm obviously in the minority here, but I really enjoyed this film. Terrorism in Space. The religious terrorist cult aspect of the film is now (2007) more relevant than pre-911 which is when this movie was produced. Based on the user comments herein, it's unfortunate that Hollywood's 'big budget - big stars' treatment of asteroid doomsday impact seem to have biased the north American audience against a low budget version. I would recommend reading The Hammer of God and then seeing this film. Unfortunately the movie ends with the close encounter - atmospheric rebound as the asteroid glances off the earth's atmosphere. Even a near miss would be catastrophic with an object of this size. The final shot of the movie shows a minor streak high in the earth's atmosphere as children play on a beach. The meteor streaks by briefly. Earth is saved. The truth is even a near miss would have global climate impacts. The terrorists would win, but that's another movie I guess. ........
There is not too much to be said about this bad film. It's a science-fiction story, with ecological ambitions. Low on budget, and low on inspiration. The story line and the general idea are acceptable, but with the many space disaster movies having been made in the last ten years, and with the terrorism theme that much beaten in movies and in real life this film brings nothing new. I personally had a hard time fighting against falling asleep - even during what were supposed to be the top suspense scenes. A group of unknown actors get more screen time than they are used to, but none of them crosses the threshold of mediocrity. The effects are early 80s TV level. The director put some decency in his work, avoiding to let the film fall completely into ridicule, but this is not enough. 3/10 on my personal scale.
I've seen the film twice now. I liked it the first time, it had good ideas, good special FX some interesting actors, and managed to keep you guessing.
I don't want to give away the end, but the set up is good, An asteroid being brought into Earth's orbit may be set up to collide with the planet instead causing destruction beyond recovery, that's not original , but the twists are neat- Ecological terrorist are behind it all. These terrorists are well thought out, inteligent, even disturbingly sympathetic. The hard questions about what we're doing to ur world, and the moral issues about extremeists are well woven into a fabric of action, suspense and good old whodunit.I can tell its a good film, the second viewing still held surprises, suspense and good effects.
C'mon! It's not that bad. Oscar material, no, but as a human interest story it's actually pretty good. Different kind of twist with the male lead (Pare) involved shipboard with a girl who turns out to be a "baddie," while his soon-to-be-ex-wife back on earth helps save the day ...If you take the story on its own and don't try to compare it to the blockbusters like "Armageddon" or "Deep Impact," it's really quite enjoyable. The effects are pretty good too. And the added dimension of environmental terrorism is quite nineties and, if you live in a "green-aware" place like I do, really quite unnerving and all too believable. Pare is a terrific actor and, though all too often unfortunately paired with lesser talents, nevertheless manages to give quite a good performance. Give it a try.