Don't Believe the Hype
Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
This mystery story is beautifully photographed, and that is it's only strength. It has a completely incoherent plot and script. Ron Silver is depressed throughout the film, probably because he realized while filming that this movie is turning into dreck. It has a mishmash of styles and tempos, which is grating-the ending is probably the worst I have seen for a mytery/thriller, and is a cheat. Not worth a rental. Ron Silver deserves much better material-he's an intense and talented actor and a terrific human being.
Spoilers herein.Boy what a mess. This writer director pulls from many formulas, but none enough to have any effect. there is the cloaked slasher, the Antonioni blowup photographer, the Hitchcock violin screeches, the mirrored twins, the mirroring with the dead wife, the multiple personality disorder, the exorcist priest.Its as if this was made from outtakes from a studio's output.I think the title is a triple pun: the nature of the photographer's work which here is mildly self-referential; the fulcrum of the plot device which `exposes' a woman; and the exposure of us to so many idioms.
stylish thriller with a strong ending. Ron Silver plays a disillusioned former war correspondent/photo journalist, now consigned to taking pics of semi nude models for men's magazines. When one of his models is murdered, he becomes a suspect but in the end becomes the prey of a serial killer.