Strong and Moving!
Captivating movie !
Absolutely the worst movie.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
I watch far too many movies not to have viewed this one with a certainty as to where the story was going and exactly what emotional response it would try to generate in me. They show far too many made-for-TV movies that fit this description, year after year, and if these generate a little bit of emotion when the big finish arrives, you actually feel ashamed that you were a sucker for such cheap manipulation; however, Bruce Beresford's "Evelyn" somehow rises above all of this. I suppose it helps that Pierce Brosnan manages to set aside the slick, stylish persona that he has embodied in countless previous roles, to instead personify a simple working guy with a drinking problem and an all-consuming love for his three kids. Some critics have questioned the wisdom of casting him in this, but the very fact that he is surprising you with a characterization that is not expected of him, and doing such a heartfelt job of it contributes to the fascination of the unfolding drama. All of the supporting players are very effective in the piece, particularly the remarkable little girl who plays the title role, and Alan Bates who, in one of his last appearances, has a quirky, playful approach to his role that is great fun indeed. One is decidedly sad to know this guy is not around to give us more of this sort of artistry. Then there is the big finish, the climactic courtroom scene. see this gentle little film for yourself and see if you can resist being deeply touched by it. This jaded veteran of way too many viewing experiences was incredibly moved. This one is a joy!
This is a wonderful movie. I admit this movie is manipulative, and probably exaggerated for purposes of drama, but what based-on-a-true story movies aren't? At least it goes after the right things: a father having custody of his kids, rather than them being forced to live in an "institution."The story is based a true situation in the mid 1950s Ireland in which, in the end, the Irish Constitution was amended because of this case. "Desmond Doyle" (Pierce Brosnan) is the loving father whose wife runs off one day with another man, leaving him with three little kids and little visible means of support. Since he didn't have enough finances, the government makes the kids wards of the state and places them in Catholic schools-homes (institutions?).On that Catholic, or "religious," angle, you get a lot of positive and negative scenes here. You have a bad, nasty almost sadistic nun "Sister Brigid," but the others are fine caring ladies, as they should be. Overall, however, you see a lot of faith portrayed in this film and it's mostly good. Of course, that faith was more out in the open in the '50s than today, but it was inspiring to see in many parts.Brosnan is excellent in the lead role, a man everyone can identify with: a loving but flawed man. He drinks too much, he swears, he doesn't have a steady job but he has great heart and has great determination to the right thing. One has no trouble rooting for him in this story. I think it's the best role he has ever played, far better than his superficial James Bond or thieves roles he normally plays.But nobody hits you as emotionally as little Evelyn (Sophie Vavasseur), one of Doyle's three kids and the one that is focused upon here. (The two little brothers are not given much screen time, for some reason.) Brosnan's allies in here - the two lawyers (played by Stephen Rea and Aiden Quinn) are likable as is Alan Bates who plays a rugged ex-barrister who winds up helping the team. Bates might have had the best role for the supporting actors.This is such an involving story, one that you really care about the people, it can bring a tear or two in the end, but what's wrong with that? When you are finished watching this film, you feel good.
Something totally different for actor Pierce Brosnan, and he makes the best of it in a terrific performance.Desmond Doyle (Brosnan) is a poor Irish father, married with 3 children. His wife deserts him and as he has no finances, the state takes his loving children away and places the boys in one school and his daughter, Evelyn, in a convent.His lovely daughter meets up with one kind nun but one so vicious played by a lady whose last name is Irvine. I haven't seen such cruelty displayed by a nun since Gladys Cooper in "The Song of Bernadette."Brosnan, a house painter and part-time singer, shows tremendous depth in this role of a hard-drinking, heavy smoking individual whose love for his children transcends all.He engages two attorneys played by Stephen Rea and Aidan Quinn to help him. In turn, they pursue another retired attorney, the late Alan Bates, who provides comic relief with his performance.The picture focuses on the attempts of the attorneys to change Irish law that would allow one parent in such a situation to decide what's right for his child.Irish eyes are certainly smiling on Doyle, he immediately touches the hearts of the people in his plain, sympathetic style. Heart-wrenching and a joy to view. Don't miss it.
This a good movie because it is easy to understand, has sympathetic, likable characters, the actors play their parts well and it's good in nature.The story is none to complex and flows well, I saw this late on new year's eve and understood it clearly. The cast and all play their parts well. I felt really sorry for Pierce Brosnan, being abandoned, losing his kids, having the system against him and having a huge fight on his hands. Nonetheless he holds his head up high and has a real pally attitude. Frank Kelly (Father Jack from Father Ted) plays a kind hearted grandfather well. In the best character ranks is also Sophie Vavasseur as Evelyn, who steals the show, shes a brave and defiant cookie in the institution and the court.It's also good in nature with Brosnan's family sticking together, along with the support he receives from Frank Kelly, Julianna Margulies, the lawyers, and pub patrons. It's also good natured with the concept of the sun through the clouds being Frank Kelly looking down from heaven.It's also good as an expose of over the top and out dated morals being injected into government (generally speaking). Even though Brosnan was dumped by a wife who clearly wasn't interested in staying, he genuinely made an effort to care for the children. But the law ruined everything.But politics aside it's a simple, pleasant, story, involving strong sympathetic characters, played by a good cast. A 9/10.The final scene in the court with the third judge repeatedly saying however was a classic.