Truly Dreadful Film
Perfect cast and a good story
A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
How this movie got more than a single star is beyond me. The story line is weak, the villains are completely unbelievable, the Asian roommate story arc was put in there for no apparent reason, considering it went nowhere, and the movie flitted around like a fly with a broken wing with no lead ups to the flashes to her sitting in the chair. If one were to watch this through a "David Lynch a la Lost Highway" lens, one could suspend disbelief and see this movie for just a bunch of flashes of horrifying scenes of rape and gore.I saw a film project in college that went nowhere because the freshman producer got bored and wanted to get it off his plate quickly. I can't say this was much better.
Warning: may contain spoilers!Evangeline is the story of a naive college girl who has a seriously shitty life. Now this might not be one of the most creative movies out there but it is definitely interesting to watch. The acting might not be top of the mill but it's better than some other movies I've seen. Then there's the cinematography; this is done very thoughtfully and gives the movie a distinct atmosphere and makes up for the fact that the special effects aren't all that. It is certainly the number 1 thing that makes this movie worthwhile to watch. Besides, I personally don't think the special effects are what makes a movie good.One problem I have with, not so much the movie, but more the description of the movie here on IMDb is that it's very misleading. Because yes, the frat boys leave her for dead in the forest, but, she doesn't die there, and this is not the moment she becomes an avenging spirit. The build up to this moment is done very cleverly and you see her slowly being pushed over the edge in contrast to immediately going on a murderous rampage as the description might have you believe.The story leaves quite some open ends and challenges the viewer to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. If you don't have this imagination or fancy explain-it-all-at-the-end kind of movies this one is not for you.
This movie has some bad reviews here, but I thought it was quite good. The movie isn't so much scary as it is interesting. I found it very artful in it's delivery of the plot, leaving a lot for the viewer to interpret. Which is kind of refreshing compared to the hit you over the head style of Hollywood plot development. I also enjoyed how there wasn't a lot of talking in the movie. A lot of the character development was done subtly. The acting was decent, and the special effects are pretty much what you'd expect for a low budget movie. I found it intriguing and open to interpretation. Very well directed, and a worth while watch.
I saw (simply by just reading a little on the "title" page here) there was no "tag line" for this movie. That is very understandable because I watched it, and STILL could not tell you what it was supposed to be about.The movie opens with a sequence of a young girl being buried alive by someone the audience can easily identify as a serial killer. Flash-forward to the next scene and the title character is now attending some university. It seems she has lost her little sister due to some sort of illness. This is the first sub-plot that is never really explained. "Eva" (as she is called in the movie) meets her roommate and friend and the next thing you know she's off to some frat party where she gets smashed, apparently flirts with the president (or Grand Poobah--whatever you want to call him), gets knee-walkin', commode-huggin' drunk...and then you have the obligatory puking scene. Hungover and not wanting to leave campus for a long weekend, Eva trots herself down to the rec room on campus to shoot a game of pool...where she meets (again) the president of this frat. He takes her to his cabin-in-the-woods and all hell breaks loose. Left for dead, some sort of evil forest spirit possesses Eva, and she now looks like someone in real bad Kabuki makeup. NOTE TO DIRECTOR: Next time at least TRY to have the makeup go BEYOND the jaw line of the character. After this, the movie turns into a quasi rip off of "I Spit on Your Grave." This movie appeared to be made by people lacking opposable thumbs. Everything is thrown together, with nothing being explained. My major questions surrounded this frat president and his goons. Did EVERYBODY on campus know they were killing innocent girls just for sh*ts and giggles? Why didn't anyone go to the police? When Eva encountered the campers in the forest, was she dead? Half-dead? Gaseous? What?Rated "R" for brief nudity, graphic violence, and language, "Evangeline" leaves your with way more questions than answers. Not recommended.