The Worst Film Ever
Simply Perfect
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Ernest helps Santa Claus as he searches for his successor.I thought I had already written a review, but either I was mistaken or IMDb deleted it. Having seen this film five times in the last five years, it is surely one that sicks with me. Some -- myself included -- will say "Ernest Goes to Camp" is among the best in the series, as is "Ernest Scared Stupid". But only one, "Ernest Saves Christmas", has the appeal to make it one to see every December (or late November).Perfect casting for Santa, some stupid humor. Some offbeat humor (the "Santa's Slay" but is awesome). A feel-good message. And what a breakthrough role for Noelle Parker, who went on to star as Amy Fisher and then have her own television series, "Sisters". I am surprised she not got any bigger than she is... would love to hear her on an audio commentary for this film.
Ernest Saves Christmas (1988) ** 1/2 (out of 4)Part of my childhood was watching Ernest movies so perhaps my opinions of this film are going to be bias but I'm sure there were many in my same shoes. Even after all these years I remember my parents taking me to the movies to see ERNEST GOES TO CAMP and I remember how happy I was at the age of eight to know this movie here was coming out. As I went to view this movie again, probably my first time in fifteen-years, I wasn't really sure what to expect but it wasn't too bad. The story is quite simple as Ernest picks up Santa Claus at the airport and must help him convince another guy that he's going to be the new Santa. The film certainly didn't thrill me or entertain me as much as when I was a kid but that's to be expected. I'm sure kids today would still eat this film as it's still extremely cute and the message is still there. I'm sure adults will have to be fans of Ernest but I find him charming in his own way. Only Jim Varney could create a character like this and while it's true he's obnoxious, that's kinda the point as the character was aimed at children. With that in mind I think he made a very love able character that many kids will continue to enjoy over the years. Even when I forget that I'm now an adult, the character makes me smile. As for the film, it starts off a lot better than it ends. I think the first thirty-minutes are quite clever as we get a few good twists and the storyline itself, while simple, is still pretty imaginative. I think what really hurts the movie are the cut aways to the Chuck and Bobby characters by series regulars Gailard Sarain and Bill Byrge. The scenes with them and the reindeer's never get any laughs and they really take away from the "action" going on with Ernest and Santa. I think that most people will read the title and know whether or not they'll like this. If you're a fan of Ernest and can take his humor then this is an enjoyable little film. If you're not a fan then you know to stay away.
Ernest Saves Christmas is a very underrated Christmas holiday flick. I will agree that it is very silly, and certainly not Oscar worthy. Don't expect a sophisticated plot, and a superlative script. Expect a harmless and fun Christmas comedy, that way you are in for a good time.While very predictable in plotting and rather repetitive and slow in the middle half; especially in the first thirty minutes Ernest Saves Christmas does have its funny moments. And I must say the scene with the magic sleigh was uproariously funny. Amongst the humour, is an in general heart-warming story about Santa and his attempts to find a successor.The camera-work may be a tad dated, but the music is very nice indeed. And I actually thought the acting is above decent, with the late (and talented) Jim Varney wonderfully spirited as Ernest and Douglas Seale is simply great as Santa. The opening credits with the collage of Christmas carols were a delight.Ernest Saves Christmas is an above average seasonal comedy about the power of belief and the dignity of an individual. It is far from a masterpiece, but seriously I wasn't expecting it to be. I got exactly what I wanted, a fun film that while predictable and silly is lots of fun too. I do also think it is underrated; there are much worse movies out there, namely any of the Friedberg-Seltzer movies, Home Alone 4 and Superbabies:Baby Geniuses 2. 7/10 Bethany Cox
I think out of all the Ernest films , this one has probably the highest budget. The cinematography is good , better then a lot of stuff I've rented lately. Of course it's ridiculous , it's and Ernest movie. I don't think people give Jim Varney a lot of credit, he was an incredible voice actor , and his multi character soliloquies are hilarious. A lot of his stuff was pre - Jim Carey , and he managed to really pull off some hilarious physical comedy. The actors in this movie are believable , although the plot does get a little absurd. Seriously, some of these actors , especially the girl that plays Pamela , are actually better then a lot of lesser grade stuff I've seen. Good flick , if you haven't seen it , give it a chance. I promise you'll laugh.