Must See Movie...
Good concept, poorly executed.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Three out of ten stars is me being generous. Its taking me a long time to watch Encino Man, like I'm watching it in bits, not so as to absorb each scene and get the most out of my viewing, but rather I watch it in fits because it sucks to watch Encino Man. It sucks, and yet I am compelled to finish it. It's not a very long movie, I mean it's not some six hour epic, but Lord, it is a real challenge to get all the way through. I was alive and fully conscious when this movie first came out and it was ubiquitous through-out those years, yet I never saw all of the movie, some various element or agent of circumstance stopped me. Even now, when Encino Man is on Netflix and I am trying to watch it all the way through for God-knows-what-reason, I still can't finish it--I have twelve minutes left of movie to watch, longest f*cking twelve minutes of my life.
Less than 2% of the entire world's population carry the definitive maternal mitochondrial DNA from the Baltic Nations. Is it a wonder they chose this background for a million year old caveman to overcome death, high school and learn several languages within a few weeks?? Todally believable dude! This film never fails to deliver comedy, fantasy and some feel good moments, no matter the many repeated viewings. It remains one of my favorite check-out and ride the wave of unique script and theme.Fraser did such a competent job as the lovable Link, his meteoric rise to fame was inevitable. I could not envision any other in this role. As a SoCal semi-native, the earthquake scenes were very relatable but made to seem full of potent mystery and intrigue, the last thought typically on my mind, hence a welcoming singular perspective.I enjoyed the scene when Link tries to drink the runoff water in the street and spits it out, not even a caveman can do that! It was very curious how the two high school nerds could dress Link to look so kewl, especially that hair, where did they get all those ideas and clothes? So many other questions arise from this fanciful farce I assumed that to think too much would be a complete waste of effort and denial of pleasure. Hence, off with my head! The balance of fact and fiction was well done and made me long for yet another adventure at the Smithsonian. They actually have them bones on display. Enjoyed the happy ending, complete surprise but it could happen to you, eh? High recommend for young at heart and momentary feeble of mind.PS - Music score huge plus!
It was a great teen movie with great 90's actors like Pauly shore and Brenden Frasier and how it was weird to link that the world he once knew is now replaced with our world and Pauly shores classic lines like "wizzin the juice" and "munchin on grunge Buddy" are magnificent, all and all this movie was pretty good and i own it and i love to watch it all the time.The craziest part of the movie is when link discovered the new world and he was playing with Davids dog and he mistaken a garbage truck for a colossal mammoth and when he is at the bar and he gets in trouble by the Mexican gang for taking the Mexican leaders girlfriend and how Pauly Shore,Sean Austin and Brenden Frazier are a spectacular team together.
bob the moo
While digging a pool in his backyard, Dave Morgan uncovers a stone-age artifact and realises that this is his way out of geekdom (the irony of that escaping him totally). However he is even more shocked to find a stone-age man frozen in a big block of ice. While trying to work out what to do with this discovery, the discovery defrosts and sets off around the locality – bewildered and confused. Dave and his friend Stoney catch him up and decide that the only way to keep him safe is to pass him off as a high-school exchange student – a plan that produces hilarious consequences! My plot summary is pretty accurate right up until the final two words because this uninspired teenage slacker comedy is nothing new, nothing special and nothing particularly funny. The film appears to have been created to try and ride the wave of such comedies that had been started by Bill & Ted and Wayne's World, however it forgets to reproduce the laughs of those films and just settles into easy scenarios, basic "fish out of water" gags and a narrative that is about as old as the prehistoric title character. In this regard it failed to engage me and never tried to be anything other than basic and it rewards viewers who are only happy with it working at this level but will likely just come off as rather tiresome to those that expect more. Laughs are rare and require you to be in the mood rather than doing the work to actually put you in the mood and the plot, like I said, goes exactly where you know it will after about 10 minutes.The cast cannot do anything to raise the material and they are just left mugging along. Fraser has the main role and perhaps the easiest – fooling around and looking silly; however he is as poor as the material although it is not his fault. Astin is dumped with the narrative to carry and he suffers with it. Shore marks out his future career path by managing to be unfunny and annoying with his character. The rest of the cast are the usual high-school clichés and none of them do anything at all of note.Overall this is a poor comedy but one that you might enjoy if you are target audience for this sort of basic fare. The jokes are simple, the plot is predictable and boring while the cast just try to do their best they can, which really isn't any good at all. Will appeal to some but to the majority it will be something that is forgotten in less time than it took to watch it.