Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Please don't spend money on this.
A different way of telling a story
This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
There are two versions of the original mini-series and one cuts out the Jay Smith trial(DVD version). The VHS version includes the Smith murder trial and is about 90 minutes longer than the DVD. Sometimes, Amazon sells copies of the movie, on VHS, but obtaining a VCR to watch it might be a problem.The movie is true to the book except it cuts out one important character: Rachel (Her real name is Joanne Aiken). Aiken was the only Bradfield girlfriend that did not turn on him. She testified in both of Bradfield's trials but for some reason, she does not appear in the mini-series.The only problem with the movie is the story did not end with Jay Smith's murder conviction, in the mid-1980s. In 1990, evidence from Jack Holt's garage was discovered that led the Pa. state supreme court to overturn Smith's conviction and declare double jeopardy because the police and DA had suppressed evidence that would have probably led to a not guilty verdict, in Smith's murder trial.The movie is truthful to the facts of the case but it left out things like the author of the book paying Holt $ 50,000.00, if Smith and Bradfield were convicted of murder.It is an additive story and to know the whole story, one needs to read a book called "Principle Suspect" by Smith's second lawyer. There are four books about the murders and each provides a unique view of the case that make them worth reading.
Bill Bradfield was my landlord back in 1982. He was preparing to go to trial for the murder of Susan Reinart at the time. My friends and I rented a fixer upper from him out near French Creek Park. He was at the house all the time. Things happened there that could never be explained, and I became very frightened. He drove a green VW, and had a very nasty dog. I had many encounters with Bill and I never felt comfortable around him. It wasn't long before I left and moved back home to live with my father. Peter Coyote was great in the movie, but the Bill that I knew at that time was a tall, manipulative, clever, and creepy man. The movie didn't make me as sick as I did when I was around the real thing. Great movie though.
I went to Upper Merion High School in 1973. The school was a regular school to me. Mr. Bradfield was my English teacher. I learned a lot from him. I invited him and Sue Myers to a bar-be-cue at my sister's house that summer and they came together and he brought me a parting gift which I still own to this day. A swiss Army knife. We all liked him and thought he was the best English teacher. Of course I did not speak any English at that time. So I owe that to him. I left UMHS that summer and based on what happened 6 years later I was glad I did. I could not believe what happened. I was shocked to say the least. I have read Echoes in the Darkness and watched the mini-series when they came out. As recently as one month ago I found out there were two other books out on this; Principal Suspect, by William Coustoupoulus and Engaged to Murder by Loretta Shwarts-Nobel. After reading all books I have concluded that Bill Bradfield masterminded the whole thing and may have paid someone to commit these atrocious crimes. I don' believe that the Mr. Bradfield I knew was capable of such heinous crimes but based on his economic circumstances I believe him capable of masterminding it all. Mr Smith may or may not have anything to do with this. According to the Pa Supreme Court Mr Smith was found guilty with lies from a convicted perjurer cop (Martray) and hearsay from all Bradfield's friends and lovers and that evidence was not admissible. So the state's investigators and lawyers messed that one up since Wambaugh wanted to have a good ending to his novel. Now Smith is a free man and Bradfield died in jail in 1998. Whew... I am glad I got that out.
Just happened to see this web site. I was the Lynn Reinert that was featured in the film. My then husband, Ken Reinert, and I had been married about 2 years when all this occured. The movie is very accurate. Joseph Wambaugh sat down with me for a month and interviewed me for the book. It was a nightmare and is still hard to believe that it happened to us at all. If anyone has any questions about the whole thing, I'll try to answer them. Ken died 2 years ago this June. At least now he's with his children and knows what happened to them. It was a very disturbing thing to go thru and something that I hope no one else ever has too. As I said, if anyone has any questions I'll be happy to try to answer them.