Drive Angry

2011 "One hell of a ride."
5.4| 1h45m| R| en| More Info
Released: 24 February 2011 Released
Producted By: Summit Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Milton is a hardened felon who has broken out of Hell, intent on finding the vicious cult who brutally murdered his daughter and kidnapped her baby. He joins forces with a sexy, tough-as-nails waitress, who's also seeking redemption of her own. Caught in a deadly race against time, Milton has three days to avoid capture, avenge his daughter's death, and save her baby before she's mercilessly sacrificed by the cult.

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Patrick Lussier

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Drive Angry Audience Reviews

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ratcat0 Years ago I was taught to never personalize a report, Essay, review etc unless of course it is about you. So with this in mind lets start off by mentioning why most reviewers of this (and other movies) can't get it right. No-one wants to hear "I thought" I think" "I liked". The word 'I' does not belong in a review although it takes a bit of creativity to write a review without using the word. The fact that other reviewers are telling people that this movie is exactly what it is meant to be and not to expect something else doesn't give you a reason to watch it. The writers surely hoped that the level of nudity, violence and a pretty leading lady/ iconic Hollywood star would give people enough reason to rush out and see this sorry excuse for a movie. Action flick? Yes. Interesting story that holds your attention? No. If a person finds themselves constantly checking how long until the credits roll then surely this would give anyone an indication that this movie is rubbish. Leave out the tits, bums and explosions and you would have yourself one sad B grade straight to DVD flick. It was a big mistake and waste of money to go out and buy it on Blu-ray. And to totally contradict myself - I really did not enjoy it. So much so that the end could not come any sooner. 3 out of the 4 points were for Amber Heard. Not for her dead pan acting but for her stunning natural beauty. The girl has a bit of an overacting issue to get through as well but the many shots from behind at that glorious Hiney excuse her.
luptoneous This movie will not go down as one of the a long shot. However, it is certainly worth seeing a couple dozen times. I laughed so hard at many of the scenes and really, what's more funny than a dead man who loves to drink and can have sex with a woman until she can't stand it...the whole time with an extremely stoic look on his face as if he just didn't care?I wouldn't watch this movie for a great story line. A guy loses his daughter and goes on a campaign to avenge her. Whatever. But it's not the story line that makes this a fun movie to watch, it's how the story is told. Like a joke that isn't funny but has you in stitches before it gets to the punch line, this movie in entertaining. It keeps you watching. You won't be telling your friends the next day about how great the story was but you'll be mentioning different scenes with glee, such as when the "hero" is killing off the bad guys with a gun in one had, a whiskey bottle in the other and a woman on top of him.It's a fun movie to watch. Don't go into this movie expecting a great work of art. Go into it looking for a good time.
thesar-2 Although the two movies have almost zero in common other than the word in the title, Nicolas Cage's Drive Angry made me a lot less angry than Ryan Gosling's Drive. But, then, I have very little patience for extremely slow moving "disguised action" movies, such as the latter.Drive Angry absolutely wasn't anywhere near as bad as it should've been. Sure, I would've liked to see one or more Cage Outbursts he's known for and he had little to none here, and the obvious 3D effects stood out like a sore thumb in the 2D version I saw, but for the most part, I had fun.Mostly thanks to William Fichtner's The Account character. What was funny about him was that when he first showed up on screen, I rolled my eyes at the overexposure I've seen of him lately. Thankfully, my attitude changed 100% in two seconds of him on screen. He became as likable and funny as Tom Hiddleston's Loki from the Marvel Avenger films.From that moment – when he arrived very early in the movie, I waited each scene for The Accountant to pop up again. Not that the rest of the movie was just okay, he just lit up the screen and if you see his character, or Fichtner's portrayal, you will most likely agree.So we have an escaped con from down under and he's being chased down by The Accountant while he's chasing down his infant grandchild being held captive by a cult. Meanwhile, Piper, a blonde, is along for the ride. No real motivation for her being the film or the sidekick to the con played by Cage, but, maybe because, uh, she's a blonde.The action was fun, the lines okay and the direction straight, which I prefer in these types of sly action R-rated fair. Many times they try to overcomplicate films likes these and lose a lot of the target audience that would be attracted to it. Mercifully, they knew it was just a little higher-budget B-movie and never strayed.Not perfect, but a fun Saturday Night, stay-in flick.* * * Final thoughts: Every once in a while, the gang over at the hilarious How Did This Get Made podcast will throw me a curveball. Typically, actually, more accurately, 90% of the movies they cover for their show that they spend an hour or so ridiculing, are bad…REALLY bad. And while they do love to include Cage in all his outbursts, this movie, again, had little of those Cage moments that I've come to love. "OH, NO! NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES! AAAAAHHHHH! OH, THEY'RE IN MY EYES! MY EYES! AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAGGHHH!" anyone? Finally, the podcast did point out some funny moments and proved that, yeah, it is a B-movie, but I still had a blast here. If not just overall, Fichtner would be enough to sell me on this.
jdat_1990 Let's be honest. We have long stopped expecting Nick Cage to hammer out Oscar nods in movies like this. Drive angry is pure entertainment. If you are religious and easily offended by Religious content in movies, you shouldn't watch this. If you are expecting something that will be a classic to last the ages like Citizen Kane, you shouldn't watch this. If you were expecting the film to take itself seriously.... you probably knowing where I'm going with this right?Milton (Cage) starts out with a bang, quite literally, hammering up a bunch of crackheads over something we're not quite sure about. I'm sure they mentioned something about a child, and then boom, scene changes.Milton meets someone in a diner, kisses her, gets information, and leaves. Piper (appropriately named, Head) Is the hot girl of the movie, and with a temper to match her long, tanned legs. She quits her job, gives Milton a ride after the cheesiest meetup/dialogue in the history of cheesy meetup dialogues, and they head off to where Piper is heading.Piper breaks up with her boyfriend, and Milton steps in to help her escape his wrath.If you have left the Movie Theater by now, you are missing out in a huge treat.The Accountant steps in. His lean, gaunt, bored-yet-classy style immediately captures the attention. His lines are shot off quickly and off beat, like he is getting used to his mouth again, not really caring. He has done his job for God knows how long and this is just another run- of-the-mill job for him.I particularly love his encounter his encounter with Frank (Piper's ex) and subsequently the cops. I think he would have been the best choice as Two-Face of the Batman franchise.But I digress.We go back to Milton, with some forgettable conversation, tits, guns, blood gore, etc, and the movie moves on at a good pace, not letting you get bored for a second. I won't put too many spoilers around here, but yeah, that's all you need to know going in so far. My advice? Stay away from this film if you are looking for anything more meaningful than empty entertainment. If you are braindead from a long day at a mindnumbing job or studies, and all you want to do is watchsome action with some funny, watch this. I smiled and enjoyed the ride.You should too.