Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker

5.7| 1h30m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 11 February 2012 Released
Producted By: Funimation Global Group
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.dragonagemovie.com/

In the land of Orlais, a brash young Seeker—Cassandra—fights to stop a blood-soaked conspiracy. Hidden hands seek to tear apart the realm's most powerful religious order, and as the sinister plot unfolds, Cassandra is accused of treason and murder. Hunted by friend and foe alike, the impulsive beauty must clear her name while clashing with corrupt templars and rogue blood mages. Should she fail, the executioner’s blade awaits. Should she overcome her rage and expose the unseen forces threatening the rule of the Divine, Cassandra will take her place in legend.

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Fumihiko Sori

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Funimation Global Group


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Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Audience Reviews

Cortechba Overrated
Steineded How sad is this?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
spelledarn Dragon Age: Blood of the Seeker is something as rare as dark fantasy that doesn't devolve into the stale, predictable realm of antiheroes. There's little depth here, but it is a an entertaining action-fantasy movie that'll keep you entertained.The story follows Cassandra, an elite warrior of the Chantry of the Maker, who gets involved in a conspiracy involving threats to the Chantry from both within and without. Without spoiling the story too much, the characters are refreshingly sincere, devoted, yet flawed.A personal pet peeve of mine in modern movies is the tendency to focus ridiculous amounts of time on the background of the antagonist, i.e. why he/she became the unpleasant individual you see before you today. Thankfully this is avoided here.The animations and the rotoscoped background scenery was impressive. The voice acting is above average, but nothing that blew me away. The dialog was pretty good for an anime, but don't expect the King's Speech with swords. The music was for me the weak point, as there were no particularly memorable themes.In some ways, despite the very modern computer generated animation and dark fantasy themes based on the Dragon Age world, Dawn of the Seeker has a distinct old school feel to it.So a word of warning. If you're the type of viewer who prefer your fantasy stuck in a quagmire of black-and-gray morality as per God of War or A Game of Thrones, you will come away disappointed. There is no rape, no drawn out torture scenes, and honor is a strength, not a weakness. Likewise if you expect the movie to be some sort of angry rant against the dangers of organized religion, you're better off watching Cristopher Hitchens on Youtube than a Japanese fantasy anime.All in all, it is a great dark fantasy movie with violent, entertaining action and likable characters and just enough plot twists to keep it from being boring. :)
jay star I went in with low expectations (various bad reviews/write-ups), but was very pleasantly surprised when I found myself really enjoying the story, animation and overall tone of the film.The spectacle is grand, the fights are meaty and there are some cool moments along the way.. I'm not sure why this is getting panned universally... sure, it's no 'Batman : Year One', but it's a good story set in the Dragon Age world... good enough for me!If you're a fan of The Clone Wars, you'll be familiar with this style of animation - it takes a little getting used to, but is well done and visually striking in style.I recommend this for all Dragon Age fans - it's definitively a worthwhile watch.
Finey_McFine This movie is for Dragon Age fans. It's for people who are tired of Kirkwall, who want to see more of the DA universe, and can't wait for Dragon Age III.If you watch this without any previous knowledge of the games, you'll most likely get bored after a while. The story's kinda dumb and predictable, dialog and voice-acting is over-the-top at times. Graphics are decent but won't win any awards.But if you played the games and like the DA universe, the standard reviewing pros and cons don't really matter. You'll be like 'wow, that's that kind of monster I used to kill a lot of' and 'I wonder if any of these characters will appear in DAIII'.So it's true that this movie is pretty mediocre, but still it's nice to see new adventures from Thedas. Bioware has already announced that there won't be any more DA2 content, and DA3 is still a long ways to go, so this movie is perfect to pass the time while we wait.Also, it's set in Orlais, where DA3 will supposedly be set, so it stands to reason that there will be some overlap, also this is just speculation on my part.
Archlicht Being a big fan of the first game, Dragon Age: Origins, I was intrigued by the idea of a feature-length film set in the same universe. Unfortunately, this movie was closer in quality to Dragon Age 2. Which I suppose I should have expected, given that EA isn't separating themselves from Bioware any time soon.But I digress. Dawn of the Seeker consists of some decent action scenes interspersed with mostly predictable plot twists and one-liners. The 3D cel-shaded animation style works at times, but at others can confuse what is happening on screen, or look somewhat shoddy. The characters' mouth movements don't quite match the dialog, but that's sure to be a product of the Japanese dubbing rather than the animation itself.There were plenty of times while watching that I thought about just stopping the movie and leaving to do something else, but the story and setting transitioned just often enough to keep me going. Now that I've seen it once, however, I can say with confidence that I don't need to see it ever again. It was passable, but there are any number of better anime series/movies out there that you can turn to for better action scenes. Same goes for the story.My recommendation for anyone who is a big fan of the Dragon Age universe, meaning both games, is to rent it. Certainly not worth a buy. For anyone else: skip it outright.