hyped garbage
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Tymon Sutton
The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Kamila Bell
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Paul Andrews
Dracula's Curse starts as a pact between the waring Vampires & the Vampire hunters is agreed & signed, the Vampire hunter leader type guy Rufus King (Thomas Downey) warns the Old One (writer, editor & director Leigh Scott hiding under lots of make up & an awful wig) that if any Vampire kills a human being again the truce is off. Jump forward five years later as a pureblood descendant of Drakulya (pronounced Drac-You-Lar) named Christina Lockhart (Erica Roby) is kidnapped by Drakulya's three Hungarian brides who now serve Countess Bathorly (Christna Rosenberg) & need the pure blood of a pureblood (!) to gain strength in order to launch an attack on the worlds population & basically rule the Earth. Once King realises that the truce has been broken he & the rest of Vampire hunting mates gear up for action once more as they are the only ones who can stop Bathorly...Edited, written & directed by Leigh Scott who also has a small role in the film under lots of make-up one has to say that The Asylum doesn't have a great track record in making good horror films & Dracula's Curse only goes to enhance that reputation rather than change it. As I write this comment right now Dracula's Curse has a lowly IMDb user rating of 1.6 so considering 1 is the lowest any user can rate a film 1.6 (this will probably change over time but not by much) is just about as low as a film can get & one has to say that Dracula's Curse really does deserve that rating. There are so many things wrong with this film, the story is awful as it's some sort of horrible low budget cross between the Blade & Underworld franchises as the film portrays the now clichéd hidden Vampire society living within our own & a team of specialist Vampire hunters dedicated to eradicating them dressed in silly outfits & using 'cool' weapons. It doesn't work here, the Blade & Underworld films has sufficient scope & money behind them to make you believe that there were hidden Vampire societies amongst us but here in Dracula's Curse we see about five Vampires in a basement & that's it. All the character's are awful, there is constant annoying sub plots where they are given little personal problems & dilemmas which amount to nothing & just bore the absolute pants off the audience waiting to see some proper Vampire action. The dialogue is awful too. The story is rubbish with one Vampire bird & three other's seemingly saying they can take over the whole world by themselves, right. At almost two hours in length Dracula's Curse is a real chore to sit through & I would imagine a lot of people won't make it, it really is that bad on all fronts including a terrible twist ending which has zero impact.One of the most enjoyable aspects of both the Blade & Underworld series were the dazzling set-piece action scenes, the cool production design which mixed the sleek chrome plated modernistic up to date along with the imposing traditional Gothic with the over-the-top blood & gore special effects. Unfortunately for the audience Dracula's Curse has none of this, the production design amounts to some bland shotguns, a basement & a few rooms in a house while I can't remember a single action set-piece. OK there are a couple of really poor fights & a bit of shooting but nothing that will excite anyone & if all that wasn't bad enough I can't remember seeing a single drop of blood in the entire thing. A few Vampires are staked through the heart but they have green blood so that doesn't count, Countess Bathorly (like her obvious literary source) bathes in the blood of virgins to stay young but there is only one scene of her doing this & the blood is already in the bathtub so it just looks like red water. So to sum it up there's no action, there's no special effects apart from a monster at the end, there's no cool weaponry & if it wasn't for some swearing this wouldn't be far off a PG rating.Technically the film is an eyesore, while a lot of films have certain colour schemes to look stylish Dracula's Curse just looks as if sometime turned the colour settings down on your telly & it just looks bland & lifeless throughout. The fights are poorly staged, the Vampires just sort of stand there & wait to be killed by the hunters who have all sorts of weaponry. I mean if the hunters are flesh & blood humans why don't the Vampires just use guns to kill them? The sound effects suck as well. Some of the acting in this has to be seen to be believed, it really is that bad. Some of the delivery is just cringe inducing although one or two of the girls look quite nice.Dracula's Curse has nothing to do with Bram Stoker no matter what the film would lead you to believe, in fact it even changes Dracula to Drakulya. It's just a terrible film that deserves it's lowly 1.6 IMDb user rating, I mean it's that low for a reason people & you have been warned. Only for masochists & insomniacs.
I enjoyed this movie. Considering the budget and time restraints that it was clearly filmed under, it's an entertaining film that packs a lot of story into it's running time.However, there are perhaps too many characters - more than the story actually needs - and as a result we learn hardly anything about most of them (various members of The Nine, for example, often have little to do beside standing around in the background holding guns). Unfortunately, if we don't know anything about these people, we don't care about them, and the movie seems slightly overpopulated. I think the same thing can be said about the only other Leigh Scott film I've currently seen, 'Transmorphers'.Also the final twist about Fox's true identity was ruined for me by the fact that during the earlier flashback to the first meeting between the Countess and Dracula, despite the scene of Dracula removing his helmet being filmed from behind his shoulder, I could still recognise actor Tom Downey's distinctive bone structure. It might have been better if Downey had worn a long wig to cover the side of his face during that scene.But I stress that these are minor quibbles. 'Dracula's Curse' boasts a good script and good performances, and I consider those factors to be more important than lavish sets and big budget special effects. Thumbs up to Scott and the leading cast-members.
If you love vampires, you'll love Dracula's Curse. I've seen quite a few Asylum films and this one has to be the best one I've seen so far. The acting is solid and the characters are developed. The filmmaker is able to have a large cast without making it confusing and making each character count. There are no superfluous characters here (very important for the ending battle). The special effects and make-up effects are amazing to look at. AND it has a great story-line. I'm also impressed with the filmmaker's ability to not subject the viewer to the 'norms' of low-budget (and recently big-budget) horror films - such as gratuitous nudity and gore. Yes, this movie does have some of that, but it doesn't hit you over the head with it and allows you to not forget the story. There's no need to make excuses for this film given it's minuscule budget - it delivers!!! I was personally disappointed in Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula, and I think this was the movie it was supposed to be - sexy, entertaining and a great addition to the vampire lore. Rent it!!!
This is the first Asylum movie I've seen and I was impressed. The cheap DVD sleeve doesn't do justice to the film, which looks just great. Some flashback scenes have a terrific look, unlike anything you've seen in quarter billion dollar budget films. While it is done on a low budget, it, like many other low budget flicks, makes up for it with a solid and smart script. It is funny, action-packet, at times dark and a little erotic, too. One stunt is quite spectacular with a vampire girl flipping backward and ending up standing perpendicularly on a wall. The story is a venerable encyclopedia of vampirism including characters such as Dracula, Van Helsing, Bathory, Nosferatu, etc. It is a complex story with a surprising twist at the end. It is a little too long because the production team is trying to accomplish a lot. The acting is uneven, most actors do a very good job, a few don't, but they are working hard on a fairly long and difficult script and I appreciate that. I would have liked to have seen a lot more nudity and gore. I can't wait to see the rest of Asylum movies. Recommended for anyone looking for a good, smart vampire flick and tired of predictable, lame and stupefying Hollywood movies.