Strong and Moving!
So much average
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
The extrusion of Doggy Poo from the dog's anus tied my stomach into knots, I was so awe stricken as Doggy Poo realized that it had a conscious. The knots in my stomach started to intensify and pang as the ox drawn cart threatened to flatten our hero and it's friend as they discussed their purposes in life. There are many similar incidents in this film that will make you wriggle in your seat, as Doggy Poo interacts with other characters to discuss the meaning of life.Digesting this film might be difficult for children as the subject matter is indeed existential, and you may think it's too radical as the dialectical tendencies reduce the subject matter to it's most basic components. Luckily the film only clocks in at thirty-minuets, which is short enough to prevent the child audience from becoming too agitated.I don't want to spoil the end of the film for you, but you will feel that a great weight has been expelled from you as our main character discovers their purpose in life. You may even feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the film.
Jeesh, all these haters...I thought this was a story about finding yourself. That each person had some purpose...not about death or learning to deal with dying....Yes, it does have that thing about God but not being religious myself, I could still see it was just a good morale about finding your own self value, no matter where you came from. I would not suggest showing to little toddlers, but to children you could sit and actually interact with during and after the film. Yea, need to interact with your children so they won't bring poo into the house....that was sarcasm for a previous poster. Also the English Dub does grind at your ears, so if you can forgive some of the actors/actress voices and make it through the film, it can get a tear out of you.
It is an enjoyable film. Perhaps I have a twisted sense of humor, but the absurdity of a pile of poo contemplating its existence was quite enjoyable! It was well done for what it was meant to be. What made it even better was that it was clay animation, so the doggy poo had that going for it in being a "life-like" cartoon of poo! It isn't deeply philosophical, but it is an attempt to say that "hey, there is meaning/purpose to your existence. Yes, there is a religious aspect to this film, but nothing specific - only "God has a plan for me" type message, nothing more.Over all, I recommend this for entertainment with a few friends, so you all can laugh at the absurdities. Although, I am considering letting my kid watch it just to see how she reacts and see where the conversation will lead from there.
So pretty much this movie was absolutely horrible. How can anyone say this was good, it was about stupid dog feces! I do not recommend this movie it is way to cheesy and it had a very bad plot and i walked away angry from watching this turd for gosh dongle 45 minutes! It was horrible. Do not show it to your kids because they might end up bringing feces back into your home from outside and play with it. It will probably be very disgusting cause it was when my children did it. They just brought back tons of this stuff and spread it all over the floor and walls and tried to sing and dance with it. The music was also very very bad even though it was catchy at the beginning it was very repetitive!