One of my all time favorites.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Junior and Scooter's mother dies and they kidnap a woman from a supermarket car-park to replace her, bringing her psychotic husband after them. The plot may sound a little hokey but the actors flesh out any holes and it's so good humoured, you cease to worry if it's believable. Patrick Warburton, as the husband, is also genuinely scary. I went to see this film on a Friday afternoon, straight from work feeling tired and stressed. I left the auditorium smiling and feeling happy with the world. This is that sort of film. It's sweet in a good way. I had a genuine affection for all the characters and I laughed out loud on more than one occasion. It's a pity it's unlikely ever to get a commercial release in Australia.
What a pleasant surprise, to laugh oneself sore during a film festival screening of a sleeper independently produced film! This one is going to be a HUGE winner, as I'm sure the word will filter out through hipsters and sites such as "" You deserve a break today... watch for, and go see "DIRT." You'll be glad you did!
I also saw this film at The Los Angeles Film Festival, and what a joy! It made me think of the kinds of great films the Coen brothers used to make before people gave them a lot of money. An outstanding example of what a film maker can accomplish with great material, charming actors, and a cinematographer who knows how to shoot a picture, even when you're dealing with a limited budget. This film is full of gun humor without being overtly violent, and yet when it does pull the violence trigger, usually gets laughs instead of blood. Ironically this film also delivers a very real emotional punch. The best American films always deliver their heros in the end with some sort of salvation, and this film doesn't disappoint. It's not conventional, but definitely leaves you feeling good about the human condition and the possibilities that love can bring, even in the most diverse ways. A true gem, it will be a sad statement on the state of Hollywood if some company doesn't give this flick a theatrical release so audiences everywhere can embrace it.
It's been said that "It's the little things that count...", and in this case, it's the plethora of little touches that work to make this film a truly fun and funny ride.I had the opportunity to see the World Premiere of 'Dirt' at the Los Angeles Film Festival, and I'm still laughing. It did take a while for the film to get revved-up, so to speak, but once it did, it was one of the funniest films I've seen in a very long time. I'm not a critic, so I won't go over every aspect of the film, or spoil any of the cleverly crafted jokes. But, I thought the casting was excellent, right down to the lisping, subtly effeminate lawyer played by Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210). Another gem was the part of Margaret played by Olivia Rosewood (Almost Famous). Directors Michael Covert and Trace Fraim, are hysterical as Junior and Scooter, 2 men, still mourning the death of their mother, who set out to find a woman to replace her. What they find is a life of crime riddled with humorous mishaps.I recommend this movie to anyone in need of a good laugh.