Wonderful Movie
Derrick Gibbons
An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Tymon Sutton
The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
John Smith
A very lame plot based on political thinking of the late 90s, that paints serbs as the bad guys...why they picked romainia for the "location of the embassy nuke" is beyond me since there was at one point an American embassy in yugoslaia and should have had a nuke as matter. every aspect of the movie made it a poorly made b movie. i have to mention, when reading some reviews, i was more appalled by some of those than i was by this movie. a great example is the review "Beware 'low cost production' countries" written by "davidshort10"...i his review he says "..(by the way, Romania was not part of the Warsaw Pact..", but of course anyone who knows anything about the warsaw pact knows that romania was a proud member of that pact. another statement (made in 2006), "..and oh by the way Croatia is not a UN member country)", although crotia has been a member of the UN since 1992. you can watch the movie for free online, so you have nothing to lose but time.
Bad acting, bad special effects, a typical B movie with a typical American propensity towards faking the facts. Serbian terrorists? "Serbian Liberation Front"? Come on! The movie was released in 1999, the year when NATO started the war against Yugoslavia over Kosovo. Before that, there were fights between regular Yugoslav army and police against the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army", a terrorist group killing Serbs, attacking military and police outposts and precincts, which is still to be found on the list of terrorist groups in the world. It is not difficult to conclude that the movie screenplay swapped Serbs for Albanians, and Kosovo Liberation Army with Serbian Liberation Front. A typical attempt to influence the public opinion, where the bad guys are Serbs instead of Albanians, with the intention of covering the fact that the American were actually allies of a terrorist group (which we have seen many time since 1999)...
Before I saw this movie last night I have to admit I had never heard of it before, so I thought it would be like one of those awful Nu Image action productions. I was pleasently suprised at how good it acually is - Yes I know it streches credibility at times as do most films of this type and the story is really padded out to make it's 90 minutes, but even so it's not that BAD. The movie has 'Stars' Such as Peter Weller who has made a living out of B-Movies after Robocop 1 & 2. Daryl Hannah (Splash) who never became the star she should have been also stars, and Tom Berenger who's always in these kind of movies also appears.The acting is much better than the movie probably deservesIt's not the best movie ever made neither is it the worst just sit back leave your brain at the door and enjoyMy Vote 7/10
Hal Guentert
I just saw this movie on DVD because it had a plot similar to something I am writing. This movie just did not come together and no one seemed to have their heart in the project especially for a medium budget movie ($45 million).I think there were some good ideas, but the lack of attention to details makes it almost amusing in places and impossible to believe the acting. I think the viewer gets distracted by the problems like banging the fire extinguisher on the air shaft while supposed to be sneaking through it, and the person responsible for disarming an atomic bomb not knowing how to work a fire extinguisher. The chain of these unbelievable details seems to keep poping up throughout. However, looking for the problems in the movie is the most charming thing about it.