
1990 "No Evil Deed Goes Undone!"
4.6| 1h25m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 01 October 1990 Released
Producted By: A.M. Trading International S.r.l.
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Professor Malcolm Evans leads his archaeological expedition into the Valley of Temples in southeast Sicily. His companion and former student, Liza Harris, is looking forward to her very first dig. But Liza feels a strange sympathy with the valley and her recurring nightmares seem strongly tied to the nearby ruins. She is drawn to the remains of a 16th Century convent and its grisly legend of crucifixion. The local villagers rise to protect the entombed secrets of their ancestors, as Liza's obsession with uncovering the truth takes her deeper into the forbidden ruins and further from sanity!



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Lucio Fulci

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A.M. Trading International S.r.l.


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Demonia Audience Reviews

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Michael_Elliott Demonia (1990)** (out of 4) Five nuns are brutally murdered and five hundred years later their spirits get a chance for vengeance. Archaeologist team Professor Paul Evans (Brett Halsey) and his partner (Meg Register) begin to realize early on that something isn't right.DEMONIA is a later day Lucio Fulci film, which is actually slightly better than its reputation. By this time the Italian horror market was taking its last gasps of air so if you're expecting something that looks or feels like ZOMBIE or THE BEYOND then you're certainly going to be disappointed. With that said, if you've seen Fulci's later day films like THE GHOSTS OF SODOM then you'll be happy to see that this here is better than that.The biggest issue with DEMONIA is the same thing that haunted a lot of these films and that's the fact that there just wasn't enough money to pull everything off. The story here is an interesting one but it's never fully developed, which is really too bad. As I said, the budget was certainly very low here but Fulci still managed to build up a nice atmosphere and there's some minor gore, which his fans will enjoy. I also thought both Halsey and Register were good in their roles and they at least keep you interested in what's going on. Al Cliver (ZOMBIE) also appears briefly.DEMONIA certainly isn't a classic movie and if you're new to Fulci it's certainly not the place to start watching. With that said, there are a few interesting ideas and moments scattered throughout.
callanvass Fulci was in the twilight of his career at this juncture. As saddening as it is, great talents can hit a wall sometimes. Kinda like Dario Argento these days. Fulci made a few stinkers near the end of his career, and this may be his worst. This movie is endlessly talky, providing no scares or thrills what so ever. Even at 85 minutes or so, this feels unbearable to watch. For an exploitation movie, there is very little nun action or anything that controversial. I'm used to incoherency when it comes to Fulci plots, but he's usually able to overcome it with his style and vision, here he can't. That surrealistic feel is there, but there is nothing interesting going on. Not only is the dialog insipid, but it feels really cheap as well. I wasn't that impressed by the ruins, and I had no idea what was going on in Fulci's head to make such drivel. The typical Fulci obsessions are there! Seances, cats, death involving eyes. There is gore, but it's not a gore fest. Two drunks randomly stumble and impale themselves on spikes (!!) , eyes are clawed and ripped out by cats, a nun is staked, a tongue is staked. We also get a hook in the neck, and a spear in the chest. Not bad, but pretty tame for Fulci's standards. The acting is hard to judge because of the dubbing. Meg Register is gorgeous, but that's about it. We also get a twist at the end I saw coming a mile away. Al Cliver (A Fulci favorite) shows up briefly. Lucio Fulci has a glorified cameo as a detective. If you're looking for nunsploitation and debauchery, expect very little. This is one of Fulci's worst movies, if not his worst! It's a chore to sit through. I'd avoid it like Ebola2/10
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse "Demonia" is a nice little gore flick, a late venture of Fulci's into the world of nunsploitation. I mean, to criticize this movie too much would be stupid, I think it was made for fun more than anything. It has some awful cheesy lines, plenty of terrible music, some lame acoustic guitar folk singing, and a lot of evil nuns from ancient times.To sum up the plot, a lady ventures into an old village in the countryside with some friend and uncovers a deadly secret from the past involving nuns and a sacrificial slaughter. Along the way, she has encounters with some pretty typical Fulci-style characters, none of whom are of much interest, but who cares? Someone gets ripped apart like a turkey in one scene and there are plenty of scary ghost-nuns. Hell, I really liked it. Maybe I have no taste... A great movie? No. A fun flick to watch with some friends and some beer? Hell yes! 6 out of 10, kids.
haildevilman It didn't stink, but it was nowhere near the brilliance of "Zombie." It was more like "Gates Of Hell," a so-so plot with some decent scenes to keep us interested.Italian nuns get crucified in medieval Italy for...wait for it...being a secret satanic coven. Years later (aka present day) they rise and attack a Canadian archaeology team digging under the ancient churches.Lucio re-did his zombie films with nuns. There's some good creepy atmosphere here. And the story itself isn't bad, it just doesn't really take off.Al Cliver gets a cameo role and the Maestro himself shows up as a (what else?) high-ranking cop. And Canadian Brett Halsey does a good job in the lead.The drawn and quarter scene, despite the shoddy effects, (DeRossi where were you?) will make a few of you cringe. It seemed to ape Deodato's "Cut And Run" scene stealer.It makes a good addition if you're a completist, but Lucio's done better.