Best movie of this year hands down!
Captivating movie !
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Nick Cassavetes (Son of John), Mike Norris (Son of Chuck),Eric Douglas (Son of Kirk) star in this pointless sequel which finds them cast as gung-ho commandos who go to the middle east to keep a nuclear weapon out of terrorists' hands, along the way these commandos are aided by Russian commandos led by John Ryan (Not John P. Ryan) their mission goes well and they bring the terrorists down without breaking a sweat, which is why this movie is such a dud. One of the problems faced in Delta Force 2 was that Chuck Norris and his team seemed invincible and therefore the action was fairly one sided, in Delta Force 3 this is taken to an extreme level and therefore none of it is excited. Also the movie is poorly staged and cheaply made making it an embarrassing effort at best. Worst of all is that where as the first two had the coolness appeal of Lee Marvin,Robert Forster, Martin Balsam,Robert Vaugn, John P.Ryan, Billy Drago,Richard Jaeckel and (maybe) Chuck Norris, Delta Force 3's biggest name is Nick Cassavetes. Wow.1/5 Matt Bronson
To me, DF3 had the best plot of the 3 films, however the lack of Chuck Norris brought the intellectual achievement down. This movie missed Chuck's cool catch phrases, and his ability to shoot rockets out the back of his bike. This movie was somewhat of a disappointment, but overall, I still give it my approval. I would recommend it to someone who likes action, and wants to be entertained without all the glory of Hollywood superstars. When compared to other 3rd installments of trilogies, it still is up there with the best. Much better in comparison to the Godfather 3, and Die Hard 3.8/10Don't submit to the man, fight the power!
This is an absolutely rubbish movie with lame special effects, crappy plot and even worse acting! So if you wish to see a movie with an ounce of class stay away from this mess.Erm.. nuf said i think.. in conclusion.. WORST MOVIE SERIES!!!! EVER :@:@:@:@:@:@:@!!!!!
Delta Force 3 is your typical mindless action fest that you usually get stuck watching at 3:00 am on HBO when you can't seem to sleep and there's nothing on regular tv but news, infomercials and endless loops of Sportscenter. With this movie unless it's a real good case of insomnia your problems will soon be over...because for an action movie its pretty boring and the acting isn't anything to write home about either. Not to say it's horrible, it's really not bad...it's just not good either. It's one of those movies you watch and then you just kind of forget it eventually because it wasn't very memorable. I will say this about it though they did use a creative way to get the bomb in a tv studio.That was about the only memorable event in the whole movie.