Decadent Evil

2005 "Desperate. Deranged. Depraved."
3.6| 1h7m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 25 June 2005 Released
Producted By: Full Moon Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A fallen foot tall Homunculus called Marvin (a part human/part reptile creature) is imprisoned in a birdcage by a vengeful lover who is bidding to become the world's most powerful vampire.



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Charles Band

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Full Moon Entertainment


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Decadent Evil Audience Reviews

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micransix Crappy film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Michael Ledo A female vampire leads a covey of vampire stripper babes. They get their victims from the strip club, one line, and call girls. A midget Van Helsing, who knows the ins and outs of this particular blood line, is after them. One of the vampires has a human bf that she doesn't kill. There is also Marvin, a weird foot tall bloody creature who looks like something out of the Puppet Master series. The first kill involves a real classy guy who takes his reluctant girl friend to a strip joint and gets her a lap dance. The movie is so corny it is funny. A good one to watch stoned. Not much horror.Hardcore porn star Harmony Rose provides the nudity in a weird scene with Marvin.
Woodyanders Evil and ruthless bloodsucker Morella (seductively played with lip-smacking wicked relish by the smoldering Debra Mayer) aspires to be the queen of the vampires; she holds a cruel reign over her two sisters and keeps her pint-sized half-human, half-reptile former lover Marvin (a laughably obvious and hokey rubbery puppet) imprisoned in a cage. Director Charles Band and writer August White cover all the pleasingly drecky bases with this jaw-dropping exercise in total low-rent silliness: a sizable smattering of tasty gratuitous female nudity, snarky dialogue, a throbbing trash rock soundtrack, a pervasively goofy atmosphere, gobs of tacky gore, ridiculous plot twists, and lovably lousy (far from) special effects. A bevy of beautiful babes further ensure that this movie remains watchable throughout: sunny blonde Jill Michelle as the sweet Sugar, hot brunette Raelyn Hennessee as the sultry and insolent Spyce, attractive Hazel Dean as the enticing Tami, and buxom Harmony Rose as ditsy hooker Jazzmin. The rest of the cast struggle gamely with the absurd material: Daniel Lennox contributes a likable turn as Sugar's baffled boyfriend Dex, Phil Fondacaro does well as dedicated vampire hunter Ivan, and John F. Schaffer has a funny bit as the hopelessly geeky Lester. Moreover, the tight 67 minute running time prevents this film from ever becoming dull or overstaying its welcome. Keith J. Duggan's glossy cinematography and James T. Sales' spirited ooga-booga score are both up to par. A complete cruddy blast.
Paul Andrews Decadent Evil is set in Phoenix where two Vampires named Sugar (Jil Michelle) & Spyce (Raelyn Hennessee) work as a double act in a sleazy strip club, there they use their looks & seductive moves to lure unsuspecting punters back to Morella (Debra Mayer) their mistresses mansion so she can drink their arterial blood. Morella needs to drink the life force from 10,000 people to become invincible & become Queen of all Vampires, or something like that anyway. Morella is only two more victims away from achieving her goal & pint sized Vampire hunter Ivan (Phil Fondacaro) & Sugar's human boyfriend Dex (Danniel Lennox) are on the menu as Morella intends to use them as the last two victims she needs...Executive produced, produced & directed by king of the cheapies himself Charles Band this is actually a spin-off film from Vampire Journals (1997) & the a few minutes of that film is seen at the start of this which is odd because Vampire Journals was a spin-off itself from the Subspecies series of films which were all made & released by Band's various production companies throughout the nineties. So while Decadent Evil may be a spin-off from a spin-off it has very little to do with those other films besides featuring Vampires, the dark Gothic Eastern European locations have gone & instead Decadent Evil is set mainly inside a large house in Phoenix somewhere. Whether you will enjoy Decadent Evil will depend on your expectations, if all you want is an hour long series of soft core sex scenes, a bit of blood, a comic relief dwarf Vampire hunter & the entire thing shot with bright neon lighting then you won't be disappointed. If however your looking for a plot of some description, a hint of originality or some atmosphere then prepare to be disappointed. At only an hour or so in length at least it's short, the first twenty minutes has a strip show, a threesome that turns into a foursome, two killings, blood drinking, nudity & some straight sex so if your looking for a bit of sleaze & some blood & boobs then you could do a lot worse & I haven't even mentioned the little red creature that Morella keeps in a cage in her bedroom that used to be her boyfriend yet have I?I must say the women on show here are all universally hot & Band sure knows how to cast a stripper or a hooker. Spyce in particular is hot. There's not much gore here, a few slit throats & a bit of blood, nothing amazing. The nudity count is better with lots of bare flesh on show & even that little red creature gets in on the act & gets to lick a hooker's tittie. The entire thing is shot like a cheap 80's pop music video with glaring bright neon lighting all over the place, it sort of looks alright I suppose & adds the overall cheapness. The special effects are passable & at least there's no CGI in it. There's a nice nod to Charles Band's previous production company as the motel Spyce goes to is named the Full Moon Motel.Filmed in Los Angeles I can't imagine how low the budget for this was as most of it takes place in one location. The acting is as good as expected although Fondacaro is fun as the Vampire hunter & surely the sexy & quite good Debra Mayer deserves better than this.Decadent Evil passes an hour for those who know what to expect & demand little more than some blood & naked flesh, watchable in it's own right but hardly brilliant. Followed by Decadent II (2007) which I currently have & will be watching soon.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* So there are two "naughty and nice" strippers, (named Sugar and Spyce), that are actually vampire strippers. The brunette is Spyce and the blond is Sugar. They live with their master vampire in a big house where they bring back people to feast on. They also keep one of the master vampire's old lovers in a bird cage. Apparently she felt the urge to turn him into a little red-faced doll for being such a heart-breaking man. That'll show him. A vampire slayer shows up to put an end to all of this decadent evil.You need two key elements to make a successful vampire stripper movie: Vampires and Strippers. "Decadent Evil" gets the vampire part right but it neglects the strippers. There is one stripper scene at the beginning but the red and blue filtered lighting makes it hard to see what is going on. The two "naughty and nice" strippers were far too nice for my tastes. Neither one of them strips or otherwise gets naked which really destroys their stripper credibility. There is one great B-movie scene where the little doll gets out of his cage and finds a naked woman tied to a bed. I won't ruin what happens next but let's just say being cooped up in his birdcage has left him a very horny doll. There's also a weird and demented doll loving ending to finish off the flick.Basically, "Decadent Evil" is a wannabe sleaze flick. It had all the right B-movie elements but it doesn't exploit them nearly enough. The movie is over before you know it and you'll have a tough time remembering what you just saw. If it had a couple of more sleaze scenes, I would give it a passing grade. But since it couldn't afford to party like it should, you can let this one go.