Must See Movie...
Memorable, crazy movie
I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Loui Blair
It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Michael Ledo
Dad dead. Mom a basket case. Boy is withdrawn. Furniture moves. Dishes break as well as other low budget effects. Plot drags along with a "twist" that is expected. Film was tiresome. Lara Lemon only thing worth watching.Guide: F-word, sex. No nudity.
The makers of the film use all the tricks of horror/psychological thrillers: messed up kid, clueless woman, doors slamming, killed pet, shadows, quick glimpse of ghost, curtains blowing, eerie music, falling items, None are used effectively. Along with an inept script, all this ads up to a pretty boring movie. Just one question though: what does the aunt do that she can afford such a large house with such fine furnishings? Is she a lottery winner or what?
DEADLY INTENT is another non-event of a ghost story, made on an indie budget and with absolutely nothing to recommend it. It's a small-scale domestic drama made in Britain and exploring the subject of grief, as a soldier's death abroad leads a mother and her child into a downward spiral. When mysterious events start to surround the boy, the mother begins to suspect that the husband's ghost is the root cause. Very little happens here and the novice cast members simply aren't up to the job of convincingly delivering their dialogue. The end result? Nothing more than a boring mess of a movie.
Deadly Intent is a nice suspense story. Things go bump in the night as you hope they will (or hope they won't depending) and the family angle keeps you engaged throughout the film. I enjoyed the visual style of the film and the hard work the filmmakers put into it. The music helped set the tone early on and I always love when we're fed story hints as it goes along.Independent films always have some kind of limitation or another, but the director did a nice job crafting a rounded film. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next. It's a good film to check out this Halloween season so grab some popcorn and curl up on the couch. Lights being off is optional. ;)