Redundant and unnecessary.
Really Surprised!
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Good post-apocalyptic movie. A little bit each of The Road Warrior, The Omega Man and Will Smith's I Am Legend as far as a plot and villains. Cast did a great job. Can tell there wasn't much of a budget but they did the most they could with it.Overall a good movie to sit back and watch on a Friday night.
Michael Ledo
This is another end of the world formula film. Thomas Rourke (Johnny Strong) is the rogue element who has survived on his own fighting berserker creatures who only come out at night. In Dallas he meets up with a group of people who want to find an airplane (try the airport) so they can all fly off to "Brave New World." Lance Henriksen plays the tough guy the head of the group, and Chelsea Edmundson the token leading lady saved by Thomas. Thomas has a plan, but nothing goes as planned.Like most films of this nature, the budget confines it to a limited amount of sets. The idea that after two years fuel stabilizers might be needed is not entertained. This is a low budget "Mad Max" plus infected vampire-zombies. Characters are stereotyped.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
Chris Mueller
This film is only a B-movie because it wasn't in theaters. It's the Boondock Saints of zombie movies. I was expecting a garbage movie to learn what not to do in filmography but ended up being pleasantly surprised by both the story, set, acting, etc. If you're into zombie movies I would highly recommend it.
Oscar Rodriguez
If you want to enjoy a killer indie film with lots of action scenes and the feel of a "Madmax" The Movie or a TV show like "The Walking Dead". The film "DAYLIGHT'S END" is totally and highly recommended for you.This film is about a plague with hungry creatures, "Johnny Strong" from (Fast and the Furious) who plays "Thomas Rourke" in the film comes across these survivors in a police station which they use as a sanctuary. Thomas, and the group of survivors agree that he would help them defend themselves to escape to a holy place. Thomas, risks his life to save the others.After watching "DAYLIGHT'S END" you will find yourself biting your nails. This film has an amazing cast in which they delivered exactly how The Director "William Kaufman" (Sinners and Saints) wanted. Some of the performers were like "Lance Henriksen" (Terminator), "Brent Anderson" (My All American), and "Krzysztof Soszynski" (Here Comes The Boom). They find themselves in a bloody battle and the odds are against them.The film starts and ends with nothing but action and unexpected of events. Directed by "William Kauffman". He is one killer machine in the indie film industry with nothing but action pack films. "Chad Law" (Close Range), is the writer and both make a remarkable team.The film is different from most other films related to zombies, and having a unique plot, completely different from most other indie or Hollywood films. The film is appealing if you are into zombies and bloody-action."A special thanks to Todd Jenkins for introducing us to a great film and a shout-out to Frederic Doss!"