How sad is this?
A Masterpiece!
I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Others will have described the massively complex plot here better than I ever could but I just came here to add that, even watching this is a foreign language with English subtitles, I 'got' enough of the in jokes (maybe it would even be called satire?) to laugh at the right parts of this film. The rest is done with such beautiful and surreal panache that you can't help but love it. A great and truly entertaining film that doesn't condescend or foreshadow anything. You won't know what's around the next bend but you'll probably agree it's all just as it should be. (And it's better than the first installment as well!)
The plot is so inflated with useless subplots and it's hard to understand what's going on. There's many things that could be cut out and the story wouldn't be any different. Not to mention the film itself is directed poorly, with flashing and confusing scenes. It's hard to know what's going on. And the idea of good versus evil had been done a million times. This isn't better than those others. And there's not a single likable character. The characters are actually quite despicable, for example, Anton, the main character, while inside a female body, entered Sveta's, a woman, shower without permission then when she orders him to leave he kisses her, all without her consent, and the movie portrays this sexual assault as romantic.
Anton Gorodetsky is in the night watch working with his lover Svetlana. He finds himself in the middle of an approaching conflict between the forces of the Light and the Dark due to his trying to destroy evidences against his son Yegor, who is in the dark side. His actions are a breech of the weak truce that keeps both the Day and Night Forces at peace.This is the sequel to Night Watch, a movie that I haven't watched and, after watching this film, I will never do.Day Watch is a moronic senseless and pretentious film, with mediocre and pedestrian acting, and good special effects. The movie is boring since the beginning, a long agony to watch through til the end. It is badly edited, with a poor direction of actors, a stupid script, and clichéd images. Day Watch is a collection of film sins that cannot be ignored, and that should be used in film schools to demonstrate what not to do when directing.The movie, and the director, could be excused if the movie was a low budget film with amateur actors but this is, instead, a Russian super-production with some good actors. Some bad movies really make you laugh, or at least they are entertaining, so at least you get something out of them. But this is not the case here, as the movie is pretentious and serious beyond belief even in those scenes that are supposed to be funny.One of the worse films I have seen for a long time. It is difficult to understand why such a stupid bad film has a rating of 6.5.The best thing about the film? The poster and the special effects.
I enjoyed Night Watch when I watched it recently so looked forward to seeing this sequel. I was not disappointed, in fact I think I enjoyed this one slightly more although that might be due to this one having the correct English subtitles, not just the "English for the hearing impaired" ones that described every sound.The film opens in the distant past with Tamerlane attacking a remote fortress to capture The Chalk of Fate, an item with powers that enables the person who writes with it to change history. We then move to the present where Anton and his new partner Svetlana are called to the scene of an attack on woman, they give chase to the assailant and Anton recognises him as his son when he snatches his hat off. Day Watch leader Zavulon sends Alisa to see Anton to explain get his son will be executed for breaking the truce if Anton doesn't retrieve the evidence from. While he is doing that a murder takes place for which he is framed.In order to clear his name and prevent an apocalypse he must take drastic measures including switching bodies with Olga and then seek the Chalk of Fate. Of course he isn't the only person after the Chalk and the Day Watch have their own plans which if realised will not be good for humanity.Once again the action is exciting although I thought the scene where Alisa drives a car on the side of a building went beyond believability even in a film of this type. The acting seemed good to me although not speaking Russian I can't judge their delivery that well. I'd not have guessed that Zhanna Friske, who plays Alisa, was a singer rather than an actress if I hadn't read it here. As with "Night Watch" there isn't anything deep about this film, but if you want to relax and have some mindless fun you can do a lot worse than this.The DVD I saw included an English sound track so those people who aren't keen on subtitles can watch the film too, I can't comment on how good the dub is though as I've only watched the subtitled version.