You won't be disappointed!
Very disappointing...
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
I'm gonna be honest i was stupid and watched this when i was like 6 with my cousin who babysat me, and at this age i was pretty desensitized to horror and gore as i had watched a lot of horror movies and had never been scared but this one freaked me the hell out and i watched it again recently and it still gave me the chills
Legend has it that 150 years ago, in the town of Darkness Falls, Matilda Dixon would give a gold coin to kids for their lost tooth. After a fire burned her home and part of her face she became sensitive to light and would only move about during the dark with a porcelain mask. Two children went missing and the townsfolk blamed her and burned her alive. While being burned she cursed the town so that whenever a child lost his/her last tooth she would come back to kill that child.The story is chilling and so was the movie. I was a prime target for this movie, not because of the tooth fairy aspect, but because I was terrified of the dark as a child. The spirit of Matilda Dixon has an aversion to light so she can only strike in the shadows of darkness. So light good, darkness bad. Pretty much my core beliefs as a kid.There were a few inconsistencies with the movie but nothing too egregious. The movie had me on edge and the flying female Phantom of the Opera was a good bogeyman. Sometimes a movie is more visceral to some rather than others. "Darkness Falls" really had me.
Cosette R.
Even though this movie was pretty stupid along with bad acting, it scarred me for life. My brother and I like to watch scary movies so one night he showed me this one. For some reason it stuck with me, night after night I couldn't sleep. I am already afraid of the dark so the thought of the tooth fairy lurking around in the dark did not sit well with me. I always thought she was floating over my head waiting for me to look at her face so that she could kill me. I know it is 2014 and nobody is probably going to see this but I felt the need to write this because I couldn't sleep. It has been a few months now and I still occasionally think of the "tooth fairy". Tonight I thought I saw a dark figure above me and I nearly had a panic attack. I am only 13 and I have been watching scary movies since I was five but for some reason this one in particular really has made me mental. I know it is fictional but the thought of it makes me sick. I'm not saying that this movie is bad and that you shouldn't watch it but if you are sensitive and rather young like myself then I would most likely reconsider watching this film. I just wanted to write this to calm my nerves and talk about my experience with this movie.
Nope. Movie about monster hiding in shadows works on paper not on film. Cause whatever fabulous ideas were laid upon the page they could not be brought out into film. Instead its a horror movie where the bad-guy is the dark. Seems like a childish premise but it could work, I'm not going to take that away from the writer of the screenplay, but hey dude, they don't do it workable, they do it stupid. It seems like a premise that could play out well with some humor, but no, no , its like really serious, y'know, like somebody was all like " No! This is really important! Were gonna do another take and this time...FOCUS!" Just a great big hunk of crap.