Too much of everything
To me, this movie is perfection.
the audience applauded
One factor for any good horror movie is that is must be atmospheric. However, the makers of Damned by Dawn take the word 'atmospheric' to mean 'foggy.' The film is about a young couple who return to their family home in the foggiest part of Australia to see a dying relative. However, a banshee pops out of the fog and causes brutal havoc.Now, I read some of the other reviews before I watched this and, I have to say, they kind of lower your expectations. But, for the first third of the movie, I had to wonder whether they were talking about the same film. I thought it was actually quite good. It had a nice (foggy) set-up and some potential.Then came the CGI. Not only are CGI baddies imposed on us, but also, if the cast happen to be running through a non-foggy area, CGI fog is added (and it's really bad CGI fog too!).The one dimensional characters just about manage to act their parts and the banshee's screaming is pretty creepy, plus there's some good gore (when you can see it through the fog), but, overall, I found myself eventually agreeing with the other reviews.It may not be the worst film ever made (not while Michael Bay's Transformers franchise is still on a roll), but it's definitely not the best. Unless it happens to be on and you feel like a so-so horror flick, don't bother paying to watch this.
After a woman interferes with a banshee's task of recruiting her sick mother to bring to the underworld and accidentally kills her, the gathered spirits of the dead rise from their resting spot and seek retribution for the act, forcing her and her family to fend off the demons before they all die.This was an outstanding and utterly enjoyable entry, as this one doesn't have hardly anything wrong with it. One of the film's biggest strengths is the fact that the majority, close to about ninety-percent, of it takes place in a gripping, intense fog out on the Scottish moors, giving off an unbelievable atmosphere and setting for the story, and the film is all the better for it. With a pretty interesting story, one that's not really used all that often, it comes off as even more impressive than it did before, and the action that comes from it all is really exciting with a lot of great confrontations between the family and the demons appearing in the thick fog-enshrouded areas. The last half could've used some more fleshing out to make more sense as to what's going on as it's mostly wordless and not really all that informative, but it's still an incredibly enjoyable effort.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
John Warner
i like to add that i was responsible for 98% of the 3D modeling and was technical adviser for Visual effects for Damned by Dawn. and i am glad to see some good reviews about my CGI workAs some of you may know I have had a few problems with the director of Damned by Dawn as to what work I did for the film, and has said he would have Removed any Record of me working on the Damned by Dawn Movie. 3D Models Made by me are as followed... ZOMBIES – 10 in total- the replica of the house, a Forest DIGITAL TREES and a CAVE with technical assistance with 3D programs – like 3D Studio MAX and Poser 7 which also included ENVIRONMENTS EFFECTS , VISUAL FOG, as well as TITLE EFFECTS. I would also like to add that I have done 3D work which included technical assistance over many years and a number of films that were done by various members of the Amazing Kypto Brothers with little or no recognition or thanks ….I am Presenting this LINK of my work done for Damned by Dawn as Proof of work done by me for the movie. Visit my Digital Horizons CG-FX on FacebookSearch = DIGITAL-HORIZONS-CG-FXJOHN WARNER Director of Digital Horizons: CG-FXadded footnote. I have yet to be payed for my work on this movie.
DAMNED BY DAWN is an excellent example of what imaginative filmmakers using high-tech equipment can accomplish over a 3-year period. (That may sound like a knock, but it's not: it's taken me the better part of a year to get my own VHS epic, THE LIVING DEAD, up and running.) As were classics like EQUINOX, DARK STAR and THE EVIL DEAD, DAMNED BY DAWN is an ambitious undertaking, undertaken by ambitious... undertakers... I applaud the sheer imagination that went into this one (and star Renee Willner ain't too hard on the eyes, either). The novelty of the Banshee as monster shouldn't be lost on the no-budget American filmmakers who continue to turn the earth in the embarrassingly unimaginative "slasher" graveyard. DAMNED BY DAWN is an impressive effort all around.